Jason Alexander
1) Warrior Monk
"In the hallowed halls of a monastery nestled amidst towering peaks, a tale of resilience, sacrifice, and triumph unfolds. In 'Warrior Monk,' readers are transported into a world where honor, camaraderie, and the indomitable human spirit reign supreme. Protagonist Kai embarks on a perilous journey, driven by a desire to save his sanctuary from impending doom. As he ventures forth into the treacherous unknown, Kai encounters challenges that test not...
3) Jingle Bells
Starring the voices of Jason Alexander, Don Knotts and Shelley Long. As told by one of Santa's merriest elves, this animated tale opens on a small farm where Beth, Tommy and their parents are all worried about finding the money to buy each other gifts. But when their Dad sells the one thing they care about most in order to give the kids store-bought presents, it looks like it might be the unmerriest Christmas ever! Now with a little Christmas magic...
Empty Zone volume 1
Eisner nominated artist JASON SHAWN ALEXANDER (Abe Sapien: The Drowning, Queen and Country) brings us a future eighty years after a worldwide black out. The world is a much darker and scarier place. Corinne White is an ex-soldier turned black market spy, data courier, manic-depressive, alcoholic. Punishing herself for mistakes from her past, Corinne is brought out from her spiral when she's contacted by her dead friends who inform her of a plot to...
Empty Zone volume 6
Deadly bounty hunters, doomed lovers, and sharp teeth. Corinne and Hank come to Berlin targeting another of Oni 's laboratories. They find more than they were bargaining for when they encounter the city 's bloody subterranean secret.
Warner Bros
Pub. Date
Allie Fox followed his dream to the Mosquito Coast. He planned a paradise. He created a Hell. Embittered by the blighted landscape of the contemporary United States, inventor Allie Fox (Harrison Ford) moves his wife and kids to the rain forest of Central America, where he plans to create a new civilization starting with his own nuclear family. Although they compliantly go along with Allie's scheme to build a free society, the other Foxes notice that...
8) Aristocrats
Shout Factory
Pub. Date
Comedy veterans and co-creators Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza capitalize on their insider status and invite over 100 of their closest friends--who happen to be some of the biggest names in entertainment, from George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg and Drew Carey to Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, Paul Reiser and Sarah Silverman--to reminisce, analyze, deconstruct and deliver their own versions of the world's dirtiest joke, an old burlesque too extreme to...
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
Appears on list
The heartwarming true story of a loyal dog named Hachiko. This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station everyday and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Even after his master passed away, he continued to return to the same spot at the station every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits he touched many lives and taught the local people about love, compassion, and above...
Still the faithful protector of Notre Dame's beloved bells, Quasimodo now rings them with the help of Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little boy, Zephyr, who is Quasi's best friend. Stopping with Zephyr at a travelling circus owned by the evil magician Sarousch, Quasi is captivated by Sarousch's lovely assistant, Madellaine. But greedy Sarousch is plotting to steal the Cathedral's most famous bell--with Madellaine's unwilling help. Surrounded by sorcery,...
If you give-- (Laura Numeroff) volume 4
HarperCollins Children's Books
Pub. Date
Taking a mouse to the movies can lead to letting him do other things, such as making a snowman, listening to Christmas carols, and decorating the Christmas tree. This expanded edition includes the original story, with added recipes, craft projects, and songs. The CD contains the 2 original songs by Sarah Weeks that are printed in the book, as well as a narrations of the story with and without music.
He was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood, a hard-charging actor whose intensity on the screen was mirrored in his personal life. As Kirk Douglas grew older, he became less impetuous and more reflective. In this poignant and inspiring new memoir, Douglas contemplates what life is all about, weighing current events from his frame of mind at ninety while summoning the passions of his younger days.
Kirk Douglas was a born storyteller, and throughout...
Feisty little Patch feels almost invisible alongside Lucky, Rolly and the other puppies, so he cleverly figures out how to make his mark. Inspired by his TV hero, Patch bravely leads the charge when cold-hearted Cruella De vil and spot-obsessed artist Lars plot to round up all the Dalmatians in London. As Patch and Thunderbolt embark on a quest to save the dogs from Cruella, they discover their inner strengths and prove once and for all that Thunderbolt...
DC Comics
Pub. Date
"In these stories originally available only online and tying into the bestselling video game BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY, Dr. Hugo Strange has gained control of Arkham Asylum and is determined to keep the city's criminal element behind bars. Gotham City in turn has been transformed into a massive prison, run by a madman and ruled by the criminal element. BATMAN: ARKHAM UNHINGED VOLUME 3: END GAME features an all star cast of Gotham's super-villains, gathered...
Jerry is a very succesful stand-up comedian, mainly because of the people around him who offer an endless supply of great material. His best friend, George, is a balding, whiny kind of guy, who craves the kind of success Jerry has but is never willing to do what it takes to get it. Jerry's neighbor Kramer often barges into his apartment and imposes onto his life. Jerry's former girlfriend, Elaine, comes back into his life, and the four form a friendship...
Ever wonder what it's like to be a real working actor? Wonder no more! Michael Kostroff is here to reveal, in hilarious detail, just what it's like to travel with the road companies of The Producers and Les Miserables. His firsthand account of the exciting, funny, and sometimes bizarre highlights of his journey includes working at a temp job when his agent calls to say, "You got the part!"; singing on a revolving stage while lugging a dead body; seeing...
Three bounty hunter siblings blaze a path of death and destruction across the old west. Traveling by moonlight they rip criminals screaming for mercy from their hiding places, but none is ever given. Each bounty is torn, broken, and bled dry before they are delivered dead and payment collected in gold - no silver. The Irons are the most feared bounty hunting killers in the west, but that fear isn't based on them being the fastest with a pistol or...
Abe Sapien volume 1
A century ago, paranormal investigator Edward Gray fought and destroyed a powerful warlock off the coast of the island of Saint-Sébastien. In the early 1980s, the B.P.R.D.'s newest agent was sent to retrieve the warlock's remains. But Abe Sapien is ill prepared for the dark forces that block his way. Written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, and featuring the haunting art of Jason Shawn Alexander (Damn Nation, The Secret, The Escapists), Abe Sapien:...