Henri Barbusse
1) Under Fire
Under Fire (1916) is a novel by Henri Barbusse. Written from notes taken while Barbusse was serving in the First World War, the novel was quickly, recognized as, a powerful tale of perseverance and comradery in the face of unspeakable suffering. Intended to promote the cause of pacifism, Under Fire is deeply critical of the rich and powerful men whose inability to live peacefully, leads time-and-again to the sacrifice of countless human lives. "Each...
2) Hell
Hell (1908) is a novel by Henri Barbusse. Immensely popular upon its publication in France, Hell earned Barbusse a reputation as a leading realist whose existential preoccupations predate the novels and plays of Samuel Beckett, Albert Camus, and Jean-Paul Sartre by several decades. His portrait of ennui, isolation, and urban life remains both stylistically and thematically fresh over a century after it appeared in print. "A whole world of human beings...
3) Elevación
Dos aviadores en la década de los años 20 parten con un trimotor en un vuelo experimental para probar diversas condiciones de carga y transmisiones. En su periplo recorren diversos pueblos de África y Eurasia, encontrándose con pueblos prehistóricos abandonados y pueblos oprimidos, lo que contrasta con la opulencia francesa. Los pilotos toman conciencia de la importancia de los movimientos sociales en el progreso del individuo.
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Henri Barbusse was a French novelist and a member of the French Communist Party. He was a lifelong friend of Albert Einstein.
Under Fire: The Story of a Squad (French: Le Feu: journal d'une escouade) by Henri Barbusse (December 1916), was one of the first novels about World War I to be published. Although it is fiction, the novel was based on Barbusse's experiences as a French soldier on the Western Front. It was awarded the Prix Goncourt in 1916.
"The Inferno", Henri Barbusse's 1908 novel, is a brilliant examination of the philosophy of "solipsism," which is the idea that knowledge outside of one's own mind is essentially unobtainable. Solipsism conjectures that the external world and the minds of other people can never be known to truly exist. The narrative follows an unnamed man who by cutting a hole in his room gains a view to the outside world. He voyeuristically bears witness to the full...
Extrait: "Chère Fifille, Je viens de passer devant le Conseil de révision qui m'a examiné et jugé bon pour le service. Aussi n'ai-je rien de plus pressé, en sortant de cette cérémonie - je suis resté trois heures debout à attendre! - que de m'installer au café, place de l'Alma, et à la lueur d'un Dubonnet à l'eau, de mettre la main à la plume pour vous faire assavoir la chose."
"Hell", also "The Inferno" (French: L'Enfer) is a 1908 novel by Henri Barbusse,in which the unnamed narrator peers into a hole in the wall of his hotel room. From the other side, he witnesses lesbianism, adultery, incest, and death. It is only when he feels he has uncovered all the secrets of life that he decides to leave the room for good. But, as he attempts to leave, he is overcome with a backache and blindness.
Extrait : "J'accuse tous les gouvernements français qui se sont succédé depuis la guerre d'avoir accueilli, encouragé, aidé, payé et armé les sociétés de moins en moins secrètes de gardes blancs, qui constituent une organisation internationale de criminels ayant pour but le meurtre et la guerre."
10) Tenderness
Through his vivid prose and nuanced storytelling, Barbusse delves into the complexities of love, compassion, and vulnerability. The collection offers a range of narratives, from intimate portraits of romantic relationships to examinations of familial bonds and friendships.
Barbusse's writing captures the essence of human emotions with a rare sensitivity, delving into the depths of the human soul and shedding light on the tender moments that define...
The novel takes the form of journal-like anecdotes which the unnamed narrator claims to be writing to record his time in the war. It follows a squad of French volunteer soldiers on the Western front in France after the German invasion. The book opens and ends with broad visions shared by multiple characters but beyond these the action of the novel takes place in occupied France. In contrast to many war novels which came before it, Under Fire describes...
Extrait : "Voulez-vous me compter parmi les socialistes antimilitaristes qui s'engagent volontairement pour la présente guerre ? Appartenant au service auxiliaire, j'ai demandé et obtenu d'être versé dans le service armé et je pars dans quelques jours comme simple soldat d'infanterie."
13) The Inferno
Although Henri Barbusse grew up in a small town, he left for Paris in 1889 at age 16. In 1914, at the age of 41, he enlisted in the French Army and served against Germany in World War I. Invalided out of the army three times, Barbusse would serve in the war for 17 months, until the end of 1915, when he was permanently moved into a clerical position due to pulmonary damage, exhaustion, and dysentery.
Under Fire: The Story of a Squad by Henri Barbusse (December 1916), was one of the first novels about the Great War to be published. Although it is a piece of fiction, the novel was based on Barbusse's own war experiences as a French soldier on the Western Front.
It follows a squad of French volunteer soldiers on the front in France after the German invasion. The anecdotes are episodic in nature, each with an individual chapter title. The best-known...