Abena P. A. Busia
The Bible speaks of many types of blood: the blood of goats, the blood of sheep, the blood of pigeons! The Bible also speaks very categorically that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. So can any one of these different types of blood take away our sins? The answer is an emphatic "No!" So what can wash away our sins? Nothing, but the blood of Jesus! Only the blood of Jesus has the power to wash away our sins and bring about...
3) Others
The Bible admonishes us to: "look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others"(Phillippians 2:4). In this timely book, Dag Heward-Mills challenges you to go beyond thinking about yourself and think of others also! Love others also! Consider others also! Care about others also! Live for others also! Jesus came to die for us because He thought about "others". I want to be more like Him. Do you want to be like Jesus?