Carlo Collodi
1) Pinocho
Pinocho, el muñeco inolvidable que se instaló primero en nuestra casa a través del relato de la madre, la abuela o la tía, se metió luego por la ventana de la escuela hecho canción en la voz de la maestra y, finalmente, se inmortalizó en el goce de los niños y la nostalgia de los mayores.
Pinocho es un títere mágicamente dotado de vida. Necio como nadie, comete toda clase de travesuras que siempre le acarrean las peores lecciones, desde...
2) Pinocchio
Der sehnlichste Wunsch der lebendig gewordenen Holzpuppe Pinocchio ist, ein echter Junge zu werden. Mit kindlicher Neugier und unbändiger Abenteuerlust stürzt sich die eigenwillige Marionette in eine Welt voller Überraschungen und Verlockungen.
An der Seite seines Schöpfers Geppetto und begleitet von einer weisen Grille, trotzt Pinocchio den Versuchungen des Lebens: Er widersetzt sich den falschen Versprechungen gerissener Gauner, entkommt den...
Las aventuras de Pinocho es sin duda la obra más conocida del escritor italiano Carlo Collodi (1826-1890), y uno de los libros infantiles más famosos del mundo. Apareció por primera vez en 1881, y dos años más tarde se publicó en forma de libro. El libro relata la historia de Pinocho, un muñeco de madera que va atravesando diferentes pruebas en las que tiene que decidir entre el bien y el mal, y que finalmente se convierte en un niño de carne...
Neste box bilíngue o leitor mergulhará na experiência de viver Pinóquio em suas origens, resgatando os elementos dos fascículos publicados entre 1881 e 1883 no Giornale per i Bambini com as consagradas ilustrações da edição de 1901 feitas pelo artista Carlo Chiostri. A atmosfera da história, apesar de divertida e engraçada - nariz que cresce a cada mentira, os conselhos do Grilo Falante e a vez que arranca a peruca de Gepeto - carrega uma...
When the gentle woodcarver Geppetto builds a marionette, Pinocchio, to be his son, a fairy brings the toy to life. But Pinocchio is not yet a human boy. He must earn the right by proving that he is brave, truthful, and unselfish. But even with the help of Jiminy, a cricket who the fairy assigns to be his conscience, Pinocchio goes astray. He joins a puppet show instead of going to school, he lies instead of telling the truth, and he travels to Pleasure...
7) Pinóquio
Pinóquio é um boneco de madeira que se mete em diversas enrascadas por causa de sua teimosia e por ser facilmente influenciado pelos outros. Participam da narrativa, além do boneco, seu pai Gepeto, a Fada de Cabelos Azuis, a Raposa e o Gato, Come-Fogo, o Grilo Falante, o Grande Tubarão e outros personagens inesquecíveis. A história de Pinóquio tornou-se um dos maiores clássicos da literatura infantil mundial. Passa mensagens que são válidas...
In this sixth volume, Pinocchio is picked up by a beautiful blue-haired girl, who puts him to a bed and calls three doctors to find out if he's alive or dead. Under the care of the girl, who is actually a fairy, Pinocchio recovers and sets off to find his father; but on the way, he meets Fox and Cat again and goes with them to sow his 4 coins in the Field of Miracles. The Italian writer Carlo Collodi began to publish, in 1881, the adventures of the...
The Pinocchio Megapack includes 4 tales of Pinocchio - the original book, "The Adventures of Pinocchio," by Carlo Collodi; "Pinocchio under the Sea," by Mongiardini-Rembadi; "The Heart of Pinocchio," by Collodi Nipote; and "Pinocchio in Africa," by Cherubini. If you're only familiar with Pinocchio through the Disney animated feature, you're in for a pleasant surprise - whether you're a young reader or an adult!
10) Pinocchio
Once upon a time, the dream of a lonely woodcutter is fulfilled when his puppet comes to life. Unfortunately, Pinocchio quickly becomes more of a prankster than a pleasure. He would rather create mischief and play tricks than keep up on his studies. Soon, however, the wooden puppet learns that being a real boy is much more complicated than simply having fun.
13) Pinocchio
Pinocchio, a wooden puppet full of tricks and mischief, with a talent for getting into and out of trouble, wants more than anything else to become a real boy, but first he must learn to be truly unselfish.
17) Pinocchio
Pub. Date
Disney's version of the tale by Carlo Collodi of the puppet who is brought to life by a fairy. With the aid of his conscience, Pinocchio tries to prove himself worthy of becoming a real boy.