Walker Evans
In the summer of 1936, James Agee and Walker Evans set out on assignment for Fortune magazine to explore the daily lives of sharecroppers in the South. Their journey would prove an extraordinary collaboration and a watershed literary event when, in 1941, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men was first published to enormous critical acclaim. This unsparing record of place, of the people who shaped the land and the rhythm of their lives, is intensely moving...
J. Paul Getty Museum
Pub. Date
"Walker Evans: Signs traces one particular theme - signs of all kinds - through the long career of this master photographer. The book brings together images from the era and place most closely associated with Evans, namely, the rural South of the 1930s. But also included are photographs that will be less familiar to many of Evans's admirers, such as his images of New York City street scenes and advertising or the photographs he took in Chicago and...