Sigmund Freud
Beyond the Pleasure Principle, published in 1920, by world-renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud, marks a major turning point in the author's theoretical approach. Prior to this work, Freud's examination of the forces that drive people focused primarily on the sexual drive, or Eros of man, the life instinct to reproduce that is innate in all humans. Freud had attributed most of human behavior to the seeking of sexual pleasure. In reasoned progression...
"Totem and Taboo" is a collection of four essays by Sigmund Freud that were published together in German in 1913. Freud sought to apply his theories of psychoanalysis to the study of anthropology and early human history. The four essays cover a wide range of topics. In "The Horror of Incest", Freud examines the varied and common rules in primitive cultures that limit contact between members of the same family. In "Taboo and Emotional Ambivalence",...
All human behaviors and traits, according to this 1923 study, derive from the complicated interactions of three elements of the psyche: the id, the ego, and the superego. The root of Sigmund Freud's approach to psychiatric treatment resides in bringing the id, the hidden source of human passion, to the surface. The ego - formed to negotiate the id's interactions with reality - and the superego - the critical, moralistic part of the mind - remain in...
Sigmund Freud founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology and was particularly well known for his focus on the unconscious mind. Freud believed that the interpretation of dreams were sources of insight in unconscious desires and the unconscious mind. In "Dream Psychology" we have an exploration of Freud's theories on the interpretation of dreams and through the reading of the following nine chapters of this book readers will gain a better understanding...
First published in German in 1927 and in English in 1928, "The Future of an Illusion" is Sigmund Freud's seminal work on the psychology of religion in which Freud discusses the history of and psychological basis for religion. Chief amongst the arguments of the work is that religion is ultimately the result of the psychological struggle against the ultimate fate of life, death. So strong is the desire to give meaning to life that our ancestors created...
Considerada como una de las obras más influyentes del siglo xx en el campo de la psicología, El malestar en la cultura indaga en el efecto que sobre las pulsiones del individuo ha tenido el desarrollo de la civilización, como moldeadora pero también como represora del comportamiento humano. En efecto, Freud defiende la existencia de un antagonismo irreconciliable entre las pulsiones agresivas, innatas en los individuos, y la cultura, pues esta,...
7) On Dreams
Central to Sigmund Freud's philosophy on psychoanalysis is the idea that dreams give a window into one's unconscious desires. This is the principal argument of his groundbreaking work "The Interpretation of Dreams", published in 1899. However, realizing the incredibly technical and dense nature of that more detailed work, Freud felt that a simpler and more accessible derivation of his theories was necessary in order to popularize his ideas and to...
There exists, of course, few more famous figures in the field of psychology than Sigmund Freud. As the founding father of psychoanalysis, or the clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, his impact on the field of psychology cannot be overstated. Based on a series of lectures given at the University of Vienna in 1915, "Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis" builds upon Freud's earlier work...
En 1899 Freud publicaba por primera vez la obra que sería considerada como la más importante, representativa e influyente de su toda su producción: La interpretación de los sueños. Con ella daba inicio a una nueva disciplina, el psicoanálisis, que proponía el modo a través del cual acceder al inconsciente tomando elementos de las experiencias vividas. Por primera vez se introdujo el concepto del Yo y los sueños fueron objeto de un estudio...
Between overseeing his private practice and developing an entirely new field of research and inquiry that would profoundly influence Western culture, Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud somehow came across and helped to publish the diary of an anonymous young girl of the European upper classes. The detailed journal follows the young authoress from the age of 11 to the age of 14½, through high school, schoolyard crushes, and the tumult of adolescence....
The subject of the sexual instinct and its aberrations has long been before the scientific world and the names of many effective toilers in this vast field are known to every student. When one passes beyond the strict domains of science and considers what is reported of the sexual life in folkways and art-lore and the history of primitive culture and in romance, the sources of information are immense. Freud has made considerable additions to this...
This edition includes a modern introduction and a list of suggested further reading. Totem and Taboo (1913) stands as a characteristic example of Sigmund Freud's controversial genius. Written with his typical elegance of style, persuasive reasoning, and ingenuity of rhetoric, the book is at once a work of art and a pioneering effort to extend the reach of psychology into the broader realm of social science. Totem and Taboo remains a founding text...
In "The Interpretation of Dreams", Freud demonstrates that every dream carries a meaning related to the fulfillment of desires. These desires, sublimated in our waking life, are associated with primitive instincts and will manifest symbolically in our dreams. For Sigmund Freud, interpreting a dream means giving it a sense, that is, adjusting it to the chain of our mental faculties and gaining a better understanding of what we truly are. Filled with...
14) Dream Psychology
Dream Psychology has been described as the key to Freud's works and, in fact, the key to all modern psychology, as well as a great study of psychoanalysis for beginners. But it is an excellent guide to professionals also. This book shows how your dreams have a meaning and how they can be interpreted. This interpretation of your dreams explains the fears and anxieties as well as the wishes and desires of your unconscious mind.
Sigmund Freud's (1856-1939)...
There exist, of course, few more famous figures in the field of psychology than Sigmund Freud. As the founding father of psychoanalysis, or the clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst, his impact on the field of psychology cannot be overstated. This short work, "Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis", is a collection of a series of lectures given by Freud at the 20th Anniversary Celebration of...
This edition includes a modern introduction and a list of suggested further reading. Sigmund Freud once described his essay on Leonardo da Vinci as the most beautiful thing he ever wrote. In Leonardo da Vinci, of course, he had as his subject not just an ordinary Italian painter, but the prototype of the universal genius, the "Renaissance man," the creator of some of the most beautiful, familiar, yet mysterious paintings of all time. Today, almost...
In this work, Freud describes psychological mechanisms at work within mass movements. A mass, according to Freud, is a 'temporary entity, consisting of heterogeneous elements that have joined together for a moment.' He refers to the writings of sociologist and psychologist Gustave Le Bon, summarizing his work at the beginning of the book.
In Wilhelm Jensen's 1903 novel Gravida, an archaeologist becomes obsessed with a woman depicted in an ancient bas-relief-who he then pursues in his dreams. Freud's reading of the novel finds parallels and similarities to his own conception of the psychology of dreams, and sees in Jensen's hero unresolved feelings for a childhood playmate. This volume prints Jensen's novel in full, followed by Freud's profound, book-length essay.
Freud considers why we dream and what it means in the larger picture of our psychological lives. Delving into theories of manifest and latent dream content, the special language of dreams, dreams as wish fulfillments, the significance of childhood experiences, and much more, Freud, widely considered the "father of psychoanalysis," thoroughly and thoughtfully examines dream psychology. Encompassing dozens of case histories and detailed analyses of...