Kristin Hannah
1) The women
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"'Women can be heroes, too.' When twenty-year-old nursing student Frances Frankie McGrath hears these unexpected words, it is a revelation. Raised on idyllic Coronado Island and sheltered by her conservative parents, she has always prided herself on doing the right thing, being a good girl. But in 1965 the world is changing, and she suddenly imagines a different choice for her life. When her brother ships out to serve in Vietnam, she impulsively joins...
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ATL Staff Picks: November & December 2024
ATL's Favorite Reads of 2023
ATL: 2023 Book Club Reads
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ATL's Favorite Reads of 2023
ATL: 2023 Book Club Reads
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"Texas, 1934. Millions are out of work and a drought has broken the Great Plains. Farmers are fighting to keep their land and their livelihoods as the crops are failing, the water is drying up, and dust threatens to bury them all. One of the darkest periods of the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl era, has arrived with a vengeance. In this uncertain and dangerous time, Elsa Martinelli-like so many of her neighbors-must make an agonizing choice: fight...
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GPL Veterans Day - Fiction
HPL: Summer Reading Spotlight: What our community read this summer!
Nesmith 2024 Wrapped: Adult Fiction
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HPL: Summer Reading Spotlight: What our community read this summer!
Nesmith 2024 Wrapped: Adult Fiction
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"An epic love story and family drama set at the dawn of World War II"--Provided by publisher
"Viann and Isabelle have always been close despite their differences. Younger, bolder sister Isabelle lives in Paris while Viann lives a quiet and content life in the French countryside with her husband Antoine and their daughter. When World War II strikes and Antoine is sent off to fight, Viann and Isabelle's father sends Isabelle to help her older sister...
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Lenora Allbright is 13 when her father convinces her mother, Cora, to forgo their inauspicious existence in Seattle and move to Kaneq, AK. It's 1974, and the former Vietnam POW sees a better future away from the noise and nightmares that plague him. Having been left a homestead by a buddy who died in the war, Ernt is secure in his beliefs, but never was a family less prepared for the reality of Alaska, the long, cold winters and isolation. Locals...
5) Fly away
A follow-up to Firefly Lane returns readers to the world of Tully, Kate, and Tully's mother, who explore their understandings about love, family, loss, and redemption while turning to each other in the hopes of salvaging their lives.
6) Home front
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"From a distance, Michael and Joleen Zarkades seem to have it all: a solid marriage, two exciting careers, and children they adore. But after twelve years together, the couple has lost their way; they are unhappy and edging toward divorce. Then the Iraq war starts. An unexpected deployment will tear their already fragile family apart, sending one of them deep into harm's way and leaving the other at home, waiting for news. When the worst happens,...
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Meredith and Nina Whitson are as different as sisters can be. One stayed at home to raise her children and manage the family apple orchard; the other followed a dream and traveled the world to become a famous photojournalist. But when their beloved father fails ill, Meredith and Nina find themselves together again, standing alongside their cold, disapproving mother, Anya, who even now offers no comfort to her daughters.
When Nora Bridge left her husband and her two daughters 10 years ago, she took the only route she could see, and assumed she still had her daughters' love. Now, though she is distant from her own daughters, Nora is the hostess of a radio advice show, where she advises listeners that "family comes first." When a scandal breaks and Nora hits rock bottom, she finds she has to rely on the two people she has betrayed most deeply: her daughters, Ruby and...
10) True colors
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The Grey sisters have always been close. After their mother's death, the girls banded together, becoming best friends. Their stern, disapproving father cares less about his children than about his reputation. To Henry Grey, appearances are everything, and he demands that his daughters reflect his standing in the community. But in a matter of moments, everything will change. The Grey sisters will be pitted against one another in ways that none could...
11) Firefly Lane
Firefly Lane volume 1
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Inseparable best friends Kate and Tully, two young women who, despite their very different lives, have vowed to be there for each other forever, have been true to their promise for thirty years, until events and choices in their lives tear them apart.
"Os leitores vão apreciar a profundidade dos personagens, a forma como eles caminham em direção a um bem amarrado e comovente desfecho" - Publishers Weekly
- Mesma autora de Jardim de Inverno, título que já vendeu mais de 30.000 exemplares e foi destaque nas principais listas do país.
A morte de Kate desestrutura todos à sua volta: o viúvo, Johnny, se vê
sozinho com os fi lhos. Tully, uma famosa apresentadora de talk show,
que perde a melhora...
Meredith e Nina Whiston são tão diferentes quanto duas irmãs podem ser. Uma ficou em casa para cuidar dos filhos e da família. A outra seguiu seus sonhos e viajou o mundo para tornar-se uma fotojornalista famosa. No entanto, com a doença de seu amado pai, as irmãs encontram-se novamente, agora ao lado de sua fria mãe, Anya, que, mesmo nesta situação, não consegue oferecer qualquer conforto às filhas.
A verdade é que Anya tem um motivo...
14) On Mystic Lake
Annie Colwater's husband has just confessed that he's in love with a younger woman. Devastated, Annie retreats to the small town where she grew up. There, she is reunited with her first love, Nick Delacroix, a recent widower who is unable to cope with his silent, emotionally scarred young daughter. Together, the three of them begin to heal. But just when Annie believes she's been given a second chance at happiness, her world is turned upside down...
America has spoken, and now it is time our hearts collectively listen. From the riots in Baltimore and the majority of Americans living below the poverty line, it is time we concern ourselves with America's future. This book is a collection of citizens across America who are tired of the problems politicians in Washington keep ignoring. It is time we stand up against police brutality, domestic violence, and deplorable living conditions of those working...
Ich bin hier und werde niemals aufhören, auf Dich zu warten.
1974: Als Lenora Allbright mit ihren Eltern nach Alaska zieht, ist die Familie voller Hoffnung, das Trauma des Krieges, das der Vater in Vietnam davongetragen hat, hinter sich zu lassen. In Matthew, dem Sohn der Nachbarn, findet Leni einen engen Freund, und aus ihrer Vertrautheit entwickelt sich bald eine junge Liebe. Doch auf die Schönheit des Sommers in Alaska folgt unweigerlich die...
17) Die Nachtigall
Zwei Schwestern im von den Deutschen besetzten Frankreich: Während Vianne ums Überleben ihrer Familie kämpft, schließt sich die jüngere Isabelle der Résistance an und sucht die Freiheit auf dem Pfad der Nachtigall, einem geheimen Fluchtweg über die Pyrenäen. Doch wie weit darf man gehen, um zu überleben? Und wie kann man die schützen, die man liebt?
In diesem epischen, kraftvollen und zutiefst berührenden Roman erzählt Kristin Hannah...
18) The Nightingale
Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title.
In the quiet French countryside during World War II, two sisters, Vianne and Isabelle, must navigate the perilous realities of Nazi occupation. Vianne, a mother and schoolteacher, is forced to make impossible choices to protect her family. Meanwhile, Isabelle, a rebellious and fiercely independent young woman, joins the Resistance, risking everything for freedom. Their separate...
19) Die vier Winde
"Von einer meisterhaften Erzählerin der Roman zur Zeit." Delia Owens
Texas, 1934: Seit der Weltwirtschaftskrise sind Hunderttausende arbeitslos, und in den Ebenen der Prärie herrscht Dürre - zu viel wurde gerodet, nach Missernten droht das Land von Sandstürmen davongetragen zu werden. In dieser unsicheren, gefahrvollen Zeit muss Elsa Martinelli eine schwere Entscheidung treffen: Soll sie um das Land kämpfen, das sie liebt und das die Heimat...
Die einmalige Kraft einer Frauenfreundschaft.
Im Sommer 1974, zum Sound von Fleetwood Mac und Abba, lernt die Außenseiterin Kate die schöne, aufregende Tully kennen, die alles zu haben scheint, was ihr fehlt. Aus den sehr unterschiedlichen Mädchen werden Freundinnen, die weder Tullys Karrierestreben noch Kates Entscheidung für Kinder und Familie trennen kann. Jahrelang umschiffen Tully und Kate die Klippen jeder engen Freundschaft - Eifersucht,...