1) The Odyssey
"The first great adventure story in the Western canon, The Odyssey is a poem about violence and the aftermath of war; about wealth, poverty, and power; about marriage and family; about travelers, hospitality, and the yearning for home. In this fresh, authoritative version--the first English translation of The Odyssey by a woman--this stirring tale of shipwrecks, monsters, and magic comes alive in an entirely new way. Written in iambic pentameter verse...
2) The Iliad
When Emily Wilson's translation of The Odyssey appeared in 2017--revealing the ancient poem in a contemporary idiom that was "fresh, unpretentious and lean" (Madeline Miller, Washington Post)--critics lauded it as "a revelation" (Susan Chira, New York Times) and "a cultural landmark" (Charlotte Higgins, Guardian) that would forever change how Homer is read in English. Now Wilson has returned with an equally revelatory translation of Homer's other...
4) Ilíada
Unos pocos días antes del último de los diez años que duró el asedio de los saqueos a la ciudad de Troya, proporcionan el marco cronológico a los acontecimientos narrados en la Ilíada, el poema más antiguo de la literatura occidental. Producto de una larga tradición oral, la epopeya, como advierte su autor en el primer verso, relata la historia de las consecuencias de una pasión humana.
Aquiles, encolerizado por el ultraje de Agamenón, que...
Poems volume 9-10
Enjoy the meandering and epic journey of Odysseus in this poem by eighth-century B.C. writer Homer. Often thought of as a sequel to Homer's Iliad, this tale follows the ten-year journey home of a soldier after the Trojan Wars and is one of the most famous writings to come out of the Archaic Period of Greece.
6) Odisea
Las andanzas y aventuras de Odiseo, vividas en el lapso de diez años que duró su regreso al hogar tras una activa participación en la guerra de Troya, conforman la apretada trama, casi novelesca, de uno de los grandes monumentos de nuestro patrimonio intelectual. Probablemente compuesta a fines del siglo VIII a.C., la Odisea nos adentra en un mundo real, el Mediterráneo antiguo, pero repleto de peligros y poblado por seres fabulosos: magas, ninfas,...
7) Ilíada
A "Ilíada" é o poema épico por excelência, pois toda a ação decorre no campo de batalha. Narra o nono ano da guerra de Troia, a partir do episódio conhecido como "A ira de Aquiles" até o funeral de Heitor, maioral entre os guerreiros troianos.
The Iliad: Join Achilles at the Gates of Troy as he slays Hector to Avenge the death of Patroclus. Here is a story of love and war, hope and despair, and honor and glory. The recent major motion picture Helen of Troy starring Brad Pitt proves that this epic is as relevant today as it was twenty five hundred years ago when it was first written. So, journey back to the Trojan War with Homer and relive the grandest adventure of all times. The Odyssey:...
La Odisea es un poema épico griego que narra la vuelta a casa, tras la guerra de Troya, del héroe griego Odiseo (Ulises). Además de haber estado diez años fuera luchando, Ulises tarda otros diez años en regresar a la isla de Ítaca, de la que era rey, período durante el cual su hijo Telémaco y su esposa Penélope han de aguantar en su palacio a los pretendientes que buscan desposarla (pues creían muerto a Ulises), al mismo tiempo que consumen...
These two timeless epics by the ancient Greek poet-each translated by a world-renowned author-have captured the Western imagination for millennia.
The Iliad: Alexander Pope "works miracles" in this beautiful verse translation of Homer's epic poem set near the end of the Trojan War. It centers on a quarrel between the invading Greek king Agamemnon and his greatest asset in battle, the warrior Achilles. From this conflict, Homer weaves a tale of warring...
"The Homeric Hymns: Ancient Literature" invites readers on a timeless journey through the mythological tapestry of ancient Greece. This collection of the Homeric Hymns, attributed to the legendary poet Homer, presents a vivid and poetic exploration of the pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses.
These hymns, originating in the archaic period of Greek history, serve as both spiritual invocations and poetic tributes to the deities of Olympus. Through...
12) Odisseia
Clássico absoluto da literatura universal, a "Odisseia" leva-nos à Grécia de 3.000 anos atrás, às grandiosas aventuras do herói Ulisses, depois da Guerra de Troia. Foi escrita provavelmente no fim do século VIII a.C., em algum lugar da Jnia, região da costa da Ásia Menor então controlada pelos gregos, e atualmente parte da Turquia.
The Iliad and the Odyssey are attributed to the poet Homer and are the earliest surviving works of Western literature. Composed sometime around the eighth century BC, the ancient Greek poems has since been translated into many languages and serves as an important source of information on ancient Greek culture and mythology.
In the Iliad it is the tenth year of the Trojan War. The Greek allies have laid siege to the city of Troy, but the leaders of...
Obras fundadoras da literatura ocidental, "Ilíada" e "Odisseia" são muito mais do que poemas épicos que narram a história da guerra de Troia ou do retorno de Ulisses a sua terra natal. Elas são a origem de um enorme repertório mítico que, avançando nos séculos, desempenha até os dias de hoje um importante papel no imaginário e na cultura do ocidente.
A "Ilíada" parece consistir, pelo título, apenas de um breve incidente ocorrido no cerco...
This collection includes both of the greatest Greek stories ever told and numbers amongst the most important works of Western literature. "The Illiad" is Homer's legendary account of the Trojan War, an epic battle that took place over three thousand years ago and had a significant impact on world history. "The Odyssey" follows the story of Odysseus, king of Ithaca and his voyage back home following the cessation of the Trojan War. Translated into...
17) La Ilíada: Troya
La Ilíada-o, es lo mismo, el poema de Ilión (Troya)-es considerada el pilar de la épica grecolatina y, por ende, de la literatura occidental. Narra un episodio de la guerra que durante diez años sostuvieron las tropas expedicionarias de los aqueos procedentes de diversos puntos de Grecia, contra la ciudad de Troya de la que el poeta se fija en unos días cruciales del décimo año de lucha. Tanto la Ilíada como la Odisea fueron consideradas por...
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who traveled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy…
So starts Homer's The Odyssey, the classic account of the Greek hero Odysseus and his ten-year journey home, following the glories and horrors of the Trojan War as recounted in The Illiad. In this prose retelling of Homer's epic poem, we follow Homer and his shipmates as they weather one danger after another, from the sorceress Circe...
Stephen Scully is associate professor of classical studies at Boston University.
George Chapman's translations of Homer--immortalized by Keats's sonnet-- are the most famous in the English language. Swinburne praised their "romantic and sometimes barbaric grandeur," their "freshness, strength, and inextinguishable fire." And the great critic George Saintsbury wrote, "For more than two centuries they were the resort of all who, unable to read Greek,...
"The Complete Works of Homer" is a meticulously curated anthology that brings together the iconic masterpieces of ancient Greek literature – "The Iliad," "The Odyssey," and "The Homeric Hymns" – accompanied by captivating illustrations. Homer's epic narratives are renowned for their profound impact on Western literature and culture.
In "The Iliad," readers are transported to the Trojan War, witnessing the clash of heroes and gods in a tale of...