Joseph Jacobs
Originally published in 1892, this beautifully written collection of Celtic fairy tales is bound to enrapture. Filled to the brim with, as Joseph Jacob says, "both the best, and the best known folk-tales of the Celts," this is the first of his two collections of Celtic folklore. Included in this charming collection are tales of romance, tales that will make you laugh, and tales with sadness intertwined. The twenty-six story medley includes:
Excerpt: "From the extreme West of the Indo-European world, we go this year to the extreme East. From the soft rain and green turf of Gaeldom, we seek the garish sun and arid soil of the Hindoo. In the Land of Ire, the belief in fairies, gnomes, ogres and monsters is all but dead; in the Land of Ind it still flourishes in all the vigour of animism. Soils and national characters differ; but fairy tales are the same in plot and incidents, if not in...
Había una vez en el bosque, tres cerditos hermanos, a los cuales perseguía sin descanso el Lobo Feroz. Para conseguir protegerse del malvado Lobo Feroz, los 3 cerditos decidieron construirse una casa cada uno. Pero cada casa era de una manera diferente...
Los tres cerditos, Los tres chanchitos o Los tres cochinitos es una novela grafica con personajes animales reales. Las primeras ediciones datan del año 200 a.C. pero se piensa que la historia...
Traducteur et éditeur: Nicolae SfetcuCe livre est une collection représentative des contes de fées de l'Inde. La majorité des contes de ce livre ont été connus en Occident sous une forme ou une autre, et le problème se pose comment rendre compte de leur existence simultanée dans le plus éloigné Ouest et Est. Certains ont déclaré que l'Inde est la maison des contes de fées, et que tous les contes de fées européens ont été amenés de...
Excerpt: "Last year, in giving the young ones a volume of English Fairy Tales, my difficulty was one of collection. This time, in offering them specimens of the rich folk-fancy of the Celts of these islands, my trouble has rather been one of selection. Ireland began to collect her folk-tales almost as early as any country in Europe, and Croker has found a whole school of successors in Carleton, Griffin, Kennedy, Curtin, and Douglas Hyde. Scotland...
Excerpt: "Ever since-almost exactly a hundred years ago-the Grimms produced their Fairy Tale Book, folk-lorists have been engaged in making similar collections for all the other countries of Europe, outside Germany, till there is scarcely a nook or a corner in the whole continent that has not been ransacked for these products of the popular fancy. The Grimms themselves and most of their followers have pointed out the similarity or, one might even...
Excerpt: "For the last time, for the present, I give the children of the British Isles a selection of Fairy Tales once or still existing among them. The story store of Great Britain and Ireland is, I hope, now adequately represented in the four volumes which have won me so many little friends, and of which this is the last."
For young and old alike - 8 captivating tales filled with whimsy, charm, and magic: "The Fate of the Children of Lir," "The Shepherd of Middvai," "Beth Gellert," "The Tale of Ivan," "Morraha," "The Story of Deirdre," "The Llanfabon Changeling," and "The Sea-Maiden." Reset in large, easy-to-read type.
Bilingual English/French Book (Livre bilingue anglais/français), Translator and editor (Traducteur et éditeur): Nicolae SfetcuThis book is a representative collection of the Fairy Tales of India. The majority of the tales in this book have been known in the West in some form or other, and the problem arises how to account for their simultaneous existence in farthest West and East. Some have declared that India is the Home of the Fairy Tale, and...
Excerpt: "This volume will come, I fancy, as a surprise both to my brother folk-lorists and to the public in general. It might naturally have been thought that my former volume (English Fairy Tales) had almost exhausted the scanty remains of the traditional folk-tales of England. Yet I shall be much disappointed if the present collection is not found to surpass the former in interest and vivacity, while for the most part it goes over hitherto untrodden...
A definitive collection of stories from Celtic folklore told by a master storyteller.
Drawing on the wonderful mythology of Ireland from traditional tales handed down in Gaelic through the generations, Celtic Fairy Tales features wondrous magic, beguiling witchcraft, conniving leprechauns, terrifying sea monsters and gallant heroes.
This volume features 26 charming tales, including:
• The Shepherd of Myddvai
• The Story of Deirdre
• The...
We are happy to introduce you to the new collection of «Favorite Fairy Tales», which consists of «The Three Little Pigs», «The Three Bears», «The Wolf and the Seven Kids». The tales are told by Joseph Jacobs, Robert Southey, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and illustrated by Viktoriya Dunayeva.
Published by Animedia Company.
Joseph Jacobs is widely recognized as a prominent figure in the realm of folklore studies, emphasizing the significance of safeguarding oral traditions and fairy tales as vital components of a nation's cultural legacy. This special edition is made of two of his most notable publications : "English Fairy Tales" and "Celtic Fairy tales". The first one contains a collection of 43 tales when the second accounts for 26, giving the reader a glimpse into...
14) Jack
In order to provide English learners with extensive reading pleasure, it consists of jewels that span the East and West, from literary works of famous writers such as Aesop's fables, Andersen, Shakespeare, and picture brothers to traditional fairy tales from all over the world.
Jack y las habichuelas mágicas (Jack and the Beanstalk) es un cuento inglés de tradición oral, convertido en mito universal, que sigue inspirando ediciones, espectáculos de teatro y películas de cine.
Jack es un niño distraído y tiene una madre que pasa el día trabajando en la huerta. Cuando el invierno amenaza la casa y la vaquita deja de dar leche, no queda más remedio que vender la vaca en el mercado. La angustiada madre manda a...
17) The Rose-Tree
The Rose-tree is an English fairy tale. A stepmother is very jealous of her stepdaughter. She tricks the girl and kills her. But nature takes revenge... The moral of the story is: what goes around, come around. Recommended for age 9+.
19) King of the Cats
In order to provide English learners with extensive reading pleasure, it consists of jewels that span the East and West, from literary works of famous writers such as Aesop's fables, Andersen, Shakespeare, and picture brothers to traditional fairy tales from all over the world.
20) The Sea Maiden
The Sea Maiden by Joseph Jacobs is a captivating folktale that weaves together themes of adventure, magic, and timeless wisdom. This enchanting story follows the journey of a hero whose fate becomes intertwined with a mysterious and alluring sea maiden. As he navigates trials, quests, and the power of destiny, the tale explores the depths of loyalty, courage, and the mysteries of the ocean. With its vivid imagery and mythical elements, this classic...