Micheal R Jones
When we look across the world, gut issues are no stranger to a large sum of people. With the foods and the lifestyles of humans, digestion issues have risen to an all-time high. I personally have had digestion issues as long as I remember. Sick days from school, sick days from work, and being ill every other month was what my life consisted of for years. It was not until I came into adulthood that things began to get better for me. I feel pretty good...
Can you remember when you had goo-goo eyes for your spouse? You could not stop thinking about each other. You used to stay on the phone all hours in a day, to a point where you fell asleep on the phone. Everything was great and then life happened. The conversations decreased. Other things in life became more significant than your soul mate. For some of you, you are at a point where you consider yourself just roommates and you are wondering what you...
Have you ever had a busy day at work or a busy weekend and you knew that you had to get home and cook something for your spouse? You thought, " What meal can I cook within 10 minutes that will be satisfying to my spouse?" I have definitely made that comment a time or two in my life. Well, I have some good news for you! Can you almost smell the aroma of meals that you can whip up in under 10 minutes? The meals will put a smile on your spouse's face....
If you have not already realized, there are numerous changes happening across the world and they are affecting our water supply in a negative manner. There is an overwhelming saturation of diseases and too many innocent people are dying worldwide because of unclean water. How can we sustain clean water in our homes, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries across the world? In this book, you will find ideas and ways you can assist in keeping water...
I have visited quite a multitude of homes over the years and have seen the end result of a decorated Christmas tree. There are Christmas trees and then there are CHRISTMAS TREES!!! I was shocked by what the trees showcased in the end. During the Christmas season, the first thing you will feast your eyes on when you walk into a person's home is the Christmas tree. It remains to this day the center of attention. Will your Christmas tree look like something...