Walter Scott
In the tumultuous era of the Middle Ages, a tale of chivalry and camaraderie unfolds. "Knight and Wamba" introduces us to Cedric the Saxon, a proud and noble lord, and his loyal jester, Wamba. As the Norman invaders threaten their land, Cedric and Wamba embark on a perilous quest to protect their people and their way of life. Along the way, they encounter a cast of unforgettable characters, from the valiant knight, Athelstane, to the cunning Lady...
2) Ivanhoe
"More than a century after the Norman Conquest, England remains a colony of foreign warlords. Prince John plans to seize his brother's crown, his barons terrorize the country, and the mysterious outlaw Robin Hood haunts the ancient greenwood. With the secret return of King Richard and the disinherited Saxon knight Ivanhoe, Scott unfurls his splendid and tumultuous romance, featuring the tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouch and the clash of will between...
According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 220,000 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer annually. It accounts for nearly 15 percent of all newly diagnosed cancers. If you've been diagnosed, you probably have many questions about the nature of the disease and your treatment options.
Walter J. Scott, M.D., has treated thousands of lung cancer patients who have navigated this overwhelming maze of medical tests and procedures. In Lung Cancer:...
5) Rob Roy
Rob Roy is the fourth in Scotty's Waverley Novels series. Featuring the unusual and lively title character, the novel was said to be one of Robert Louis Stevenson's favorite books from childhood.
D. Estes
Pub. Date
The ninth book in Scott's Waverley series, this novel is set in the early 1600s and recounts the tale of Nigel Oilfaunt, who travels to London to ask the King a favor. He is met with chaos in the city and soon finds himself an enemy of Lord Dalgarno and in great danger. This novel was authored under one of Scott's pen names, Captain Clu
7) Kenilworth
Dana, Estes & Company
Pub. Date
This book is the sixth in Scott's Waverley Novels series. Kenilworth follows the story of the secret marriage of Earl Robert Dudley and his romance with Queen Elizabeth I. This story is largely a true one and while the ending of the novel was based mostly on speculation of the time, critics have applauded Scott's accurate retelling of the events.
Eventually recognized as the author who single-handedly brought about a revival of medieval literature, lore and culture in the 1800s, Walter Scott started his Middle Ages canon with The Lady of the Lake in 1810. Based on an Arthurian character, The Lady of the Lake is a narrative poem set in Scotland and written in six distinct cantos. The poem follows three story lines: a love affair, a conflict between King James V of Scotland and James Douglas,...
Pub. Date
One of the most rare and telling pieces of literature from Scott's canon, The Journal of Sir Walter Scott was the author's personal diary, which he kept between 1825 and 1832. Since its first publication in 1890, almost 60 years after Scott's death, critics have considered the journal one of the best in the English language. Detailing the financial hardship that befell the author in 1826, the journal reveals the emotional road out of debt, the struggle...
Dana, Estes & company
Pub. Date
The longest novel ever written by Scott, Peveril of the Peak is the tenth book in the Waverley Novels series. The story follows Julian Peveril, his quest to marry Alice Bridgenorth and his struggle to evade accusations of involvement in the "Popish Plot," a conspiracy to assassinate Charles II in 1678.
11) Old mortality
Dana Estes
Pub. Date
Considered one of Scott's best novels of his career, Old Mortality is part of his first series of Tales of My Landlord. The title is taken from the nickname of Robert Paterson, who became famous traveling Scotland to erect gravestones for the Covenanters, a group that played an integral role in the history of Scotland. The novel begins with an exchange between the fictitious narrator and Paterson and then goes on to tell the story of Henry Morton,...
Dana Estes & Co
Pub. Date
Woodstock or The Cavalier is the 14th novel in Scott's Waverley series. Effectively a ghost story, the novel was inspired by the legend of the Good Devil of Woodstock that was alleged to have haunted the members of parliament who had taken over a royal residence at Woodstock, Oxfordshire in 1649.
Dana Estes
Pub. Date
Often regarded as the first historical novel, Waverley was Scott's first attempt at prose fiction. The novel was a huge success with the first edition selling 1,000 copies within the first two days of publication. The book follows the story of Edward Waverley, an English man whose family has strong political ties. After being enlisted in the Hanoverian Army and posted to Dundee in Scotland, Waverley visits Baron Bradwardine and meets Rose Bradwardine,...
14) The monastery
Dana Estes
Pub. Date
Set in the time of Mary, Queen of Scots, The Monastery is one of Scott's Tales from Benedictine Sources. Telling the story of how the Scottish Reformation was putting the monasteries in chaos, the novel also follows a love story of a monk, his brother and a young girl named Mary.
15) The antiquary
D. Estes
Pub. Date
The third book in Walter Scott's Waverley Novels series, The Antiquary is the author's only gothic novel. It features family secrets, hidden treasure, mystery and romance.
16) Redgauntlet
Oxford University Press
Pub. Date
"In the summer of 1765 Darsie Latimer sets out to discover the secret of his parentage in a journey to the wilds of Dumfriesshir. But very soon he discovers that he must confront not geographical but ideological wilds, for he is kidnapped by Edward Hugh Redgauntlet and involved in a last, fictional attempt to restore the Stuarts to the British throne. His Edinburgh friend, the advocate Alan Fairford, seeks to find him, and finds modes of life which...
Everyman's library volume no. 134
Set in eighteenth-century Scotland during the Porteus riots, tells the story of young Jeanie Deans, a dairymaid who travels to London seeking mercy for her sister who stands accused of infanticide.
Addicus Books
Pub. Date
"According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 220,000 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer annually. It accounts for nearly 15 percent of all newly diagnosed cancers. If you've been diagnosed, you probably have many questions about the nature of the disease and your treatment options. Walter J. Scott, M.D., has treated thousands of lung cancer patients who have navigated this overwhelming maze of medical tests and procedures. In Lung Cancer:...