Jules Verne
Five Weeks in a Balloon is not only the first installment in Jules Verne's celebrated Voyages Extraordinaires series, but also the first of Verne's works to earn him widespread popularity as a writer of science fiction and adventure novels.
Following his invention of an ingenious new air balloon capable of long-distance flight, Dr. Samuel Fergusson embarks on the adventure of a lifetime with his trusted servant, Joe, and loyal friend, Dick Kennedy....
But strange as the journey may be, it's nowhere near as strange as what they will find waiting at its end.
One of the lesser known novels by Jules Verne, but certainly a novel that is worth reading, An Antarctic Mystery or The Sphinx of the Ice Fields is a fictional travelogue that describes the narrator's adventures as he travels from Kerguelen Islands, a group of islands in the Indian Ocean, towards the South Pole.
The novel is the account of the...
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon is a unique addition to Jules Verne's beloved adventure series, Voyages Extraordinaire, as it is among the few Verne novels that does not include elements of science fiction. Instead, Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon combines the adventure genre with a murder mystery. After being falsely accused of a crime, Joam Garral was forced to flee Brazil. Now, many years later, he is living on a thriving Peruvian plantation...
After escaping from their captors in a giant air balloon, five prisoners of the Civil War find themselves stranded on a deserted island. Despite their different backgrounds, they decide to band together and combine their talents to live on the island, which they named Lincoln Island. Cyrus is a railroad engineer, Gideon is a journalist, Neb is a man who escaped slavery, Pencroff is a sailor, and Harbert is Pencroff's protégé and son. Each man uses...
5) Abandoned
Abandoned by Jules Verne is a crossover sequel of two of Verne's most popular novels, In search of Castaways and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Set during the American Civil War, five Northern prisoners of war band together despite their different backgrounds. Cyrus is a railroad engineer, Gideon is a journalist, Neb is an ex-slave, Pencroff is a sailor, and Harbert is Pencroff's protégé and son. Together, the five prisoners escape their...
Phileas Fogg era un rico caballero inglés metódico y sedentario, y precisamente por eso le caía tan bien a Passepartout, su nuevo mayordomo. Tras una vida agitada, en la que había sido músico ambulante, domador en un circo, equilibrista y hasta bombero, lo único que quería Passepartout era un trabajo tranquilo. Pero Phileas Fogg tenía un defecto: le gustaban las apuestas.
La colección Cuentos de bolsillo reúne los cuentos y fábulas de toda...
Continuing the narrative from Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon, Barbicane, Nicholl, and Michael are ready to travel to the moon in All Around the Moon. The three men sit anxiously in their bullet-shaped projectile, ready for take-off. After the launch, their series of adventures and misadventures begin. Barbicane, Nicholl, and Michael must be quick and clever, as they brave an encounter with an asteroid, suffer accidental intoxication, deviate...
The Underground City is a novel by the French writer Jules Verne, serialized in Le Temps in March and April 1877 and published immediately afterward by Pierre-Jules Hetzel. Covering a time span of over ten years, this novel follows the fortunes of the mining community of Aberfoyle near Stirling, Scotland. Receiving a letter from an old colleague, mining engineer James Starr sets off for the old Aberfoyle mine, thought to have been mined out ten years...
The Arctic region, bounded by the 84th degree, was put up for sale at public auction, many countries claimed rights to this region but America's bid won, a Mrs Scorbitt had put up the money and along with Mr Barricane and Mr Nichol intended to mine the area for coal, they raised money by public subscription and at a meeting declared they would move the Earths axis so the North Pole would melt, all the Earths seasons would change into one, many were...
"Godfrey Morgan: A Californian Mystery", also published as "School for Crusoes", is an 1882 adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne. It tells of a young adventurer, Godfrey Morgan, and his deportment instructor, Professor T. Artelett, who embark on a round-the-world ocean voyage. Their ship is wrecked and they are cast away on a remote island, where they rescue and befriend an African slave, Carefinotu.
Jules Gabriel Verne (1828-1905) was a French author who pioneered the science-fiction genre. He is best known for novels such as Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Verne wrote about space, air and underwater travel before air travel and practical submarines were invented, and before practical means of space travel had been devised. He is the third most...
The English at the North Pole was originally published in 1864, being begun even before Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. This vigorous Arctic tale was used to found and introduce a "Magazine of Adventure," which was continued for some years. The book contains an accurate picture of Arctic life and of the Arctic geography known to the world of 1864. The account of the Franklin expedition and of the persistent and heroic search for its relief...
"The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras" is a gripping exploration of uncharted territories by the visionary Jules Verne. It chronicles the relentless ambition of Captain Hatteras, who, driven by an insatiable hunger for discovery, undertakes a perilous journey towards the North Pole. Battling extreme weather conditions, mutinous crew, and the uncertainty of unexplored regions, Hatteras demonstrates unyielding courage and determination in...
"Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers" de Jules Verne est un classique de la littérature d'aventure. Le professeur Aronnax, son assistant Conseil et le harponneur Ned Land, se retrouvent pris au piège à bord d'un mystérieux sous-marin, le Nautilus, dirigé par le capitaine Nemo. Au fil de leur voyage sous-marin, ils découvrent des merveilles de la nature, mais aussi les terribles secrets du capitaine Nemo et de son navire. Avec une prose captivante...
En La isla misteriosa encontramos múltiples pasajes que nos llevan, junto con los personajes, a vivir aventuras llenas de acción, drama, fantasía, tecnología y ciencia. La tensión con la que narra el naufragio de cinco hombres del gobierno en plena guerra, también nos conduce a experimentar la sorprendente manera de sobrevivir en unan isla en la que, incluso, cuenta con una fauna extraña y fantástica.
El profesor Aronnax y sus dos compañeros, Consejo y Ned Land, son capturados por el capitán Nemo en su submarino Nautilus, del que no podrán salir. Durante su viaje, explorarán los mares, descubrirán maravillas nunca vistas por el ser humano y se enfrentarán a enormes criaturas marinas.
Considerada como una de las novelas pioneras de la ciencia ficción, Julio Verne ofrece en ella una mirada temprana a la exploración submarina, la tecnología...
Axel and his uncle find a note that describes a path to Earth's center! The men climb deep inside a volcano and discover amazing wonders. They also run into danger, which could trap them below the surface forever. These reader-favorite tiles are now updated for enhanced Common Core State Standards support, including discussion and writing prompts developed by a Common Core expert, an expanded introduction, bolded glossary words and dynamic new covers....
The book tells the story of the quest for Captain Grant of the Britannia. After finding a bottle cast into the ocean by the captain himself after the Britannia is shipwrecked, Lord and Lady Glenarvan of Scotland contact Mary and Robert, the young daughter and son of Captain Grant, through an announcement in a newspaper. Moved by the children's condition, Lord and Lady Glenarvan decide to launch a rescue expedition. The main difficulty is that the...
19) The Field of Ice
An exhilarating narrative of an obsessed British expediter by Jules Verne. This northward excursion led by Captain Hatteras is full of life-threatening adventures and hair-breadth escapes of him and his crew. As he discovers the truth about the polar terrain, this work presents amazing possibilities. A bitter-sweet ending awaits the readers in this mind-boggling thriller!
The classic adventure novel-and basis for the Disney film-from the author of Around the World in Eighty Days and Journey to the Center of the Earth.
After the Britannia is shipwrecked, Captain Grant casts a message in a bottle into the ocean and hopes for the best. When the bottle is found by Lord and Lady Glenarvan of Scotland, they contact the captain's children, Mary and Robert. But the Scottish government refuses to launch a rescue expedition.