Marianne Williamson
The internationally recognized teacher, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of A Return to Love argues that our desire to avoid pain is actually detrimental to our lives, disconnecting us from our deepest emotions and preventing true healing and spiritual transcendence. Marianne Williamson is a bestselling author, world-renowned teacher, and one of the most important spiritual voices of our time. In Tears to Triumph, she argues that we--as...
Back by popular demand -- and newly updated by the author -- the mega-bestselling spiritual guide in which Marianne Williamson shares her reflections on A Course in Miracles and her insights on the application of love in the search for inner peace.
Williamson reveals how we each can become a miracle worker by accepting God and by the expression of love in our daily lives. Whether psychic pain is in the area of relationships, career, or health,...
"Marianne Williamson confronts the politics of fear with a powerful new paradigm that turns love into a political force. With her trademark wisdom and care, Williamson urges all Americans to reach into our hearts to reclaim our love for democracy and our passion for the possible. Only that, she says, will heal our country and our world."--Book jacket.
In A Year of Miracles, Marianne Williamson, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the classic A Return to Love and world-renowned teacher, offers a daily devotional that helps us develop a positive, loving mindset and encourages us to live our best selves to bring miracles into our lives. Williamson has taught millions around the world the simple yet profound lesson that has helped them tap into the divine within themselves and lead a happier,...
Un cours pour maigrir aborde la véritable cause du surpoids: votre intérieur qui a oublié la perfection divine. Cet oubli a troublé non seulement votre esprit, mais aussi votre corps, et vous fait choisir ce qui ne peut vous sustenter... et rejeter ce qui serait bon pour vous. Au fur et à mesure que votre esprit retrouve sa spiritualité, votre corps reprendra son état naturel.
Les 21 leçons de ce livre vous amèneront au coeur d'un voyage...
For years, Marianne Williamson has been offering weekly lectures based on A Course in Miracles. These lectures are profound, insightful, and compelling with an always-relevant message. BetterListen! is indeed proud to provide these "best of" Marianne's lecture series from the last several years. These lectures deal with practical issues such as: How do we make the switch from fear to love? What are the practical keys? What makes a miracle happen?...
Start and finish your day with these peaceful and inspiring meditations. This inspiring hour long meditation series can be used every day, at different times of the day or just when you feel the need to chill. Doing these meditations on a daily basis can help bring balance, love and laughter to your daily life.
Noting a spiritually motivated political activism now emerging in America, Marianne Williamson claims that traditional political activists increasingly look to spiritual wisdom for inspiration while spiritual contemplatives are increasingly eager to extend their service to the world into political realms. The convergence of the two impulses forms what Williamson calls a "holistic politics." With the publication of The Healing of America, Williamson...
Three of Marianne Williamson's previous best-sellers -- A Return to Love, A Woman's Worth, and Illuminata -- explored the issue of relationships. Now, in this deeply personal collection of essays, prayers, and self- reflection, she turns to romantic love. Enchanted Love envisions a way of being in love with another person and at peace and at one with God and with ourselves. It envisions a reinvention of romantic love as our newest spiritual frontier....
Bestselling author of Return to Love and Law of Divine Compensation, Marianne Williamson shows people how to live without fear or worry in The Gift of Change. The time in which we now live is more difficult and stressful than people are willing to admit. We live with an abiding sense of collective anxiety. Williamson shows how we are paralyzed in our current state of fear and anger because we are not facing and dealing with the true causes of our...
En El Don del Cambio, Marianne Williamson, la autora bestseller a nivel internacional, explora a fondo el poderoso papel que desempeña el cambio en nuestras vidas. Nos explica como, lejos de ser algo que se deba temer o evitar, todo tipo de cambio -- hasta el más difícil y doloroso -- nos brinda la oportunidad de recibir el regalo milagroso de la transformación personal. La única manera de lograr el verdadero crecimiento personal es cuando cambiamos...
At times, the pain of existence seems to much to bear. For some of us, these experiences happen rarely, and when they do the pain is relatively mild. But for others of us, excruciating pain can weigh us down. If you are feeling any of that or that or even to live another day seems hard to contemplate-the pieces of the puzzle may be found in this lecture.
When you experience deep intimacy with your beloved partner, your face glows and your heart sings. You feel connected in your soul. Learning to be intimate involves attending to the energy that moves through your body. As you develop the ability to direct this energy, you maximize your aliveness and sexual presence. You become more sensually, emotionally and spiritually responsive to your partner and to life in general. Participating in sacred...
16) More Inspiring Lectures on a Course in Miracles: More Inspiring Lectures on a Course In Miracles
Gildan Audio presents a must-listen collection of Marianne Williamson's lectures.
For years, Marianne Williamson has been offering weekly lectures based on A Course in Miracles. These lectures are profound, insightful, and compelling with an always-relevant message. BetterListen! is indeed proud to provide these "best of" Marianne's lecture series from the last several years. These lectures deal with practical issues such as: How do we make the switch from fear to love? What are the practical keys? What makes a miracle happen?...
For years, Marianne Williamson has been offering weekly lectures based on A Course in Miracles. These lectures are profound, insightful, and compelling with an always-relevant message. BetterListen! is indeed proud to provide these "best of" Marianne's lecture series from the last several years. These lectures deal with practical issues such as: How do we make the switch from fear to love? What are the practical keys? What makes a miracle happen?...
For years, Marianne Williamson has been offering weekly lectures based on A Course in Miracles. These lectures are profound, insightful, and compelling with an always-relevant message. BetterListen! is indeed proud to provide these "best of" Marianne's lecture series from the last several years. These lectures deal with practical issues such as: How do we make the switch from fear to love? What are the practical keys? What makes a miracle happen?...