Welcome to Strawbery Banke
Part I. Four centuries. The seventeenth century - settlement and early urbanization ; The eighteenth century - prosperity and revolution ; The nineteenth century - from commerce to industry ; The twentieth century - the past preserved
Part II. The buildings that have survived. Sherburne House ; Drisco House ; Lowd House ; Joshua Jackson House ; Hough House ; Jefferson House ; Shapley Town House ; Wheelwright House ; Marden House ; Winn-Yeaton Connected Houses ; Yeaton-Walsh House ; Dinsmore Blacksmith Shop ; Jones House ; The Cotton Tenant Houses ; Peacock House ; Reuben Shapley and William Cotton Houses ; William Pitt Tavern ; Doctor John Jackson House ; The Thomas Bailey Aldrich Memorial ; Rider-Wood House ; Conant House ; Chase House ; The Boat Shop ; Penhallow House ; Walsh House ; The State House ; The Goodwin Mansion ; Daniel Webster House ; Joshua Wentworth House ; Stoodley's Tavern ; Dunaway Store
Part III. Interpreting the past. Historic preservation ; Social history ; The decorative arts ; Archaeology ; The craft tradition ; The gardens.