What the rose did to the cypress --
Ball-carrier and the bad one --
How Ball-carrier finished his task --
How Geirald the Coward was punished --
How the little brother set free his big brothers --
Sacred milk of Koumongoé --
Husband of the rat's daughter --
How some wild animals became tame ones --
Fortune and the wood-cutter --
Prince and the three fates --
Which was the foolishest? --
Story of the king who would be stronger than Fate --
Story of Wali Dâd the Simple-hearted --
Tale of a tortoise and a mischievous monkey --
What the rose did to the cypress --
Ball-carrier and the bad one --
How Ball-carrier finished his task --
How Geirald the Coward was punished --
How the little brother set free his big brothers --
Sacred milk of Koumongoé --
Husband of the rat's daughter --
How some wild animals became tame ones --
Fortune and the wood-cutter --
Prince and the three fates --
Which was the foolishest? --
Story of the king who would be stronger than Fate --
Story of Wali Dâd the Simple-hearted --
Tale of a tortoise and a mischievous monkey --