Catalog Search Results
City and regional planners talk constantly about the things of the world-from highway interchanges and retention ponds to zoning documents and conference rooms-yet most seem to have a poor understanding of the materiality of the world in which they're immersed. Too often planners treat built forms, weather patterns, plants, animals, or regulatory technologies as passively awaiting commands rather than actively involved in the workings of cities and...
2) Urbanized
Film First Corp
Pub. Date
Over half the world's population now lives in an urban area, and 75% will call a city home by 2050. But while some cities are experiencing explosive growth, others are shrinking.The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain.
Rumur Films
Pub. Date
This New York Times Critics' Pick follows the story of reluctant activist Daniel Goldstein as he struggles to save his home and community from being demolished to make way for a professional basketball arena and the densest real estate development in U.S. history. Along the way, he falls in love, gets married and starts a family while living in a vacated building located at the heart of the project site.Over the course of seven years, Daniel spearheads...
Kanopy Streaming
Pub. Date
Environmentally Sustainable Construction is a philosophy for designing and constructing homes and communities. By incorporating these principles, architects, designers, builders and tradesmen can create a living environment that is truly sustainable. Each chapter in the DVD is devoted to separate concepts that combine to contribute to the overall philosophy.
Kanopy Streaming
Pub. Date
This program examines one of the world's largest urban redevelopment schemes and schows how a run down area of a city can be renewed. Sydney is Australia's largest city. The population of over 4 million is spread over one of the largest suburban areas of any city in the world. The State Government has a policy of urban consolidation to increase the densities in inner suburbs and reduce urban sprawl. The program examines the growth of Sydney and also...
"After decades of sprawl, many American city and suburban residents struggle with quality of life issues related to traffic and its accompanying pollution and time drain, divided neighborhoods, and a non-walkable life. Architect Ryan Gravel argues that this can change. Cities have the infrastructure and capability to create a healthier, more satisfying way of life by remodeling and augmenting different parts of cities to connect neighborhoods and...
"Legal scholar and architect Sara C. Bronin examines how zoning became such a prevailing force and reveals its impact--and its potential for good. Outdated zoning codes have maintained racial segregation, prioritized cars over people, and enabled great ecological harm. But, as Bronin argues, once we recognize the power of zoning, we can harness it to create the communities we desire, and deserve. Drawing on her own experience leading the overhaul...
State universities are more than just places of higher learning, more indeed than just campuses or buildings, and more than just students scurrying from class to class. They are a symbol of the future of the nation and a statement about the commitment the sponsoring state has made to its people. In turn each city or town that hosts, develops, and nurtures these institutions recognizes that it holds within the community one of the more precious jewels...
10) Third Ward TX
Kanopy Streaming
Pub. Date
THIRD WARD TX - a documentary about community, art, and real estate. How do we bring back a once thriving community—one with a vibrant African American history and culture? What was good and positive and sustaining for the people who lived there? What would this look like now? Once change is in motion—how can we manage gentrification so that it doesn’t drive out long-time residents? THIRD WARD TX introduces the artists and neighbors of Project...
Kanopy Streaming
Pub. Date
Vincent Scully is likely the best-known living art historian in the United States today. Until recently, he was still teaching at his alma mater, Yale University, where a wide variety of students were drawn to his undergraduate history of art and architecture courses. For years, Scully's deep engagement with the subject and his passionate presentation style have inspired his students to value these subjects. Many of them have gone on to become prominent...
12) My Brooklyn
Kanopy Streaming
Pub. Date
My Brooklyn follows director Kelly Anderson's journey, as a Brooklyn gentrifier, to understand the forces reshaping her neighborhood. The film documents the redevelopment of Fulton Mall, a bustling African-American and Caribbean commercial district that - despite its status as the third most profitable shopping area in New York City - is maligned for its inability to appeal to the affluent residents who have come to live around it. As a hundred small...
From the years 2004 to 2008, Beijing and Shanghai witnessed the construction of an extraordinary number of new buildings, many of which were designed by architectural firms overseas. Combining ethnographic fieldwork, historical research, and network analysis, Building Globalization closely scrutinizes the growing phenomenon of transnational architecture and its profound effect on the development of urban space.
Roaming from construction sites in...
Kanopy Streaming
Pub. Date
1. Retrofitting suburbia: Dr. Richard Jackson MD MPH, investigates the link between our nations obesity and Type 2 Diabetes epidemic with urban sprawl fueled by car dependency. To prevent disease through better urban planning, Boulder, CO redesigns the city to make bicycles a safe alternative transportation. Two Denver suburbs transform dead malls into --2. Rebuilding places of the heart: When U.S. industry and manufacturing collapsed or went elsewhere,...
This book is a manifesto for real urban change. Today, our urban areas are held back by corporate greed, loss of public space and rising inequality. This book highlights how cities are locked into unsustainable and damaging practices, and how exciting new routes can be unlocked for real change.
Across the world, city innovators are putting real sustainability into practice - from transforming abandoned public spaces and setting up community co-operatives,...
Although all advanced industrial societies have urban and regional development policies, such policy in the United States historically has taken on a very distinct form. Compared with the more top-down, centrally orchestrated approaches of Western European countries, US cities and, to a lesser degree, states, take the lead, spurred on by developers and those with interest in rent. This bottom-up policy creates conflict as one city battles with another...
18) 16 Acres
Kanopy Streaming
Pub. Date
The rebuilding of Ground Zero is the most architecturally, politically, and emotionally complex construction project in recent American history. The struggle to develop these 16 acres of 'sacred' land has encompassed 12 years, 19 government agencies, and over {dollar}20 billion. Aside from the engineering challenges, various constituencies - politicians, developers, architects, insurers, local residents, and relatives of 9/11 victims - profess conflicting...
"The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is one of the darkest chapters is American history. A toxic combination of government neglect and socioeconomic inequality turned a crisis into a tragedy. The storm completely transformed one of the most beloved cities in America, leaving nearly 80 percent of New Orleans flooded and damaging 134,000 housing units, causing unprecedented destruction. The response to Katrina is a topic of unending debate and anger....
20) Brooklyn matters
New Day Films
Pub. Date
Brooklyn Matters reveals how a few powerful men tried to tilt the Brooklyn landscape in favor of big real estate at the expense of urban livability. Disregarding time-honored urban planning principles and manipulating a desperate need in the African-American community for jobs and affordable housing, they pushed their own interests forward--luxury housing and a 20,000 seat sports arena. The film poses vital, timely questions that are relevant to cities...
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