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1) Impactful Development and Community Empowerment: Balancing the Dual Goals of a Global CLT Movement
As community land trusts (CLTs) have grown in number and spread around the world, the model itself has changed. There are now many variations of what is sometimes known as the "classic" CLT. What has not changed, however, is the dynamic tension between impactful development and community empowerment that was baked into the structure and purpose of the CLT from the very beginning.
Every community land trust attempts to gain control over enough...
During the fifty years since the first community land trust (CLT) was founded by African-American civil rights activists in the United States, CLTs have spread far beyond their country of origin. Most of this growth has occurred in the Global North, but CLTs are now also being formed in a growing number of countries in the Global South.
The fertile seedbed for CLT development in this part of the world has been informal settlements. These are...
The community land trust (CLT) is a transformative strategy of community-led development on community-owned land that is taking root across the Global North and is now spreading to the Global South. CLTs produce and preserve affordably priced homes, retail spaces, urban (and rural) aglands, and a variety of neighborhood facilities, all developed under the auspices of people who live nearby; all managed to remain permanently affordable for people of...
During the past two decades, as markets have pushed the price of land and housing beyond the reach of low- and middle-income families, governments in England and Europe have struggled to provide effective policy responses. Problems of affordable housing, social displacement, and degradation of the existing housing stock have grown steadily worse. This has prompted NGOs and community activists to seek innovative solutions of their own, looking beyond...
El fideicomiso comunitario de tierras es una estrategia transformadora en la que el desarrollo es dirigido por la comunidad en terrenos comunitarios. Esta estrategia está tomando auge a través de comunidades en el norte global y también se está comenzando a conocer en el sur global. Los fideicomisos comunitarios de tierras producen y mantienen viviendas, espacios comerciales, tierras para la agricultura urbana (y rural) y una variedad de instalaciones...
Durante mucho tiempo, miles de personas de bajos ingresos en América Latina y el Caribe han ocupado terrenos urbanos y rurales, o han utilizado sus recursos naturales, incluidos cuerpos de agua, bosques, praderas y campos cultivables, sin tener el derecho oficial de hacerlo o sin que sus Gobiernos respeten los derechos registrados. Viven en hogares que posiblemente fueron construidos, rehabilitados y ocupados por sus familias durante varias generaciones,...
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