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A no-holds-barred look at the collision of interests behind the ambitious attempt to raise a new national icon at Ground Zero
When we stand in downtown Manhattan in the future and look up and ask, "Why?"--Why is it so strange, so rude, so striving, so right, so wrong?--we will have Sixteen Acres to give us the answers. Tracing the redevelopment of the World Trade Center site from graveyard to playground for high design, insurgent critic Philip Nobel...
In the second half of the nineteenth century, American cities began to go dark. Hulking new buildings overspread blocks, pollution obscured the skies, and glass and smog screened out the health-giving rays of the sun. Doctors fed anxities about these new conditions with claims about a rising tide of the "diseases of darkness," especially rickets and tuberculosis.
In American Sunshine, Daniel Freund tracks the obsession with sunlight from those...
Drawn from the Hoover Institution's Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy January 2010 conference, this book discusses critical energy issues including, energy and synthetic biology, cap and trade and carbon tax policies, energy efficiency, international energy relationships, and other key topics. The contributors present a range of ideas and recommendations that might improve the performance of the United States in responding to the energy...
Not every Christian is called to move into close community with the poor and hurting in our country's inner cities, but neither are we permitted to stand at arm's length and allow their struggles to continue through our own inaction. John Perkins has committed his life to bringing reconciliation and development to these broken communities and seeks to expose the root issues at play in these communities in Beyond Charity.
With an ever increasing proportion of the world's population inhabiting urban environments, the management of cities remains a perennial challenge for governments and policymakers. This concise, but wide-ranging text makes sense of the multiple ways in which urban issues and problems have been defined and addressed in different places at different times. From initiatives that focus on social tensions within the urban realm, to those which seek to...
Este libro recopila varios capítulos, resultado de investigación de cuatro universidades que integran la Red de Resiliencia y Sostenibilidad, en ellos se reconocen diferentes formas de relacionamiento entre conceptos, formas de entender y prácticas de resiliencia, sostenibilidad e informalidad, evidencia de variadas posturas académicas e investigativas en territorios urbanos y rurales de Colombia. Los capítulos presentan metodologías teórico-prácticas...
The American Dream turned into a nightmare when the housing bubble burst, and people have been trying to figure out who to blame- Greedy bankers? Corrupt politicians? Ignorant homeowners? In American Nightmare: How Government Undermines the Dream of Homeownership, Randal O'Toole explores the forces at play in the housing market and shows how we can rebuild the American dream of homeownership by eliminating federal, state, and local policies that distort...
À la tombée de la nuit, Montréal scintille de mille feux. Le pont Jacques-Cartier, le Quartier des spectacles, la Biosphère et bien d'autres repères urbains bénéficient d'une mise en lumière qui magnifie leur présence dans l'obscurité. La constellation que forment ces illuminations confère à la ville une apparence « magique et féérique ». Or, serait-il possible que cet éclat camoufle, voire alimente, une réalité moins séduisante...
We all want cities, where more than half of the world's population currently live, to be just, successful, clean, fair, green, sustainable, safe, healthy and affordable. Will 'smart cities' help achieve these aspirations or undermine them in the time of COVID-19? Phil Allmendinger, a world expert on cities, development, and urban governance, takes a critical approach to the role of 'smart' in future cities and the relationship with city development....
91) Impactful Development and Community Empowerment: Balancing the Dual Goals of a Global CLT Movement
As community land trusts (CLTs) have grown in number and spread around the world, the model itself has changed. There are now many variations of what is sometimes known as the "classic" CLT. What has not changed, however, is the dynamic tension between impactful development and community empowerment that was baked into the structure and purpose of the CLT from the very beginning.
Every community land trust attempts to gain control over enough...
This book uses an international perspective and draws on a wide range of new conceptual and empirical material to examine the sources of conflict and cooperation within the different landscapes of knowledge that are driving contemporary urban change. Based on the premise that historically-established systems of regulation and control are being subject to unprecedented pressures, scholars critically reflect on the changing role of planning and governance...
Planning is central to economic, social and environmental life but its practice is frequently criticised by all who engage in it. Seen as too restrictive by those who promote development and too weak by those opposing it, planners who advise on proposals cannot sit on the fence. Is it the planning system that is problematic or is it the planners who work within it? This valuable book examines these issues at the continuing professional development...
Durante los años del boom inmobiliario, se construyeron cinco millones de viviendas en España. La mayoría sigue el modelo de suburbio estadounidense. Son islas verdes -por las zonas comunes- y azules -por las piscinas- situadas en las afueras de las ciudades y en las que reside buena parte de la llamada clase media aspiracional de nuestro país. Jóvenes familias con niños pequeños. Los hijos y los nietos de la España vacía.
Estos barrios de...
Some people think they know all the answers. They know how far you should live from your job. They know how big your backyard should be. They know how cities and forests should grow. Government planners claim to know all of that and more. They say that if you want to live in pleasant communities, enjoy beautiful wilderness, and get to work on time, you should put them in charge. But 30 years of research has convinced Randal O'Toole-one of Newsweek's...
En regard du phénomène de vieillissement, les auteurs se penchent sur la relation entre les personnes âgées et l'aménagement de l'espace au sein de deux métropoles, Montréal et Québec, en allant du macro (régions métropolitaines) au micro (espaces intérieurs), en passant la ville et les quartiers.
99) Paris
Alongside New York and London, Paris is one of the world's earliest megacities. Its growth and character have been fashioned by a distinctive mix of policies that separate it from other long-time megacities as well as the fast-growing urban centres of the Global South.
Christian Lefevre examines the social and economic forces that have shaped Paris and which have made it the city it is today. He charts the impact of global trends, such as the shift...
Focusing on principles and theory and their application in the process of constructing housing policy, with boxed examples and case studies throughout, this fully revised 3rd edition addresses the range of socio-economic factors that have influenced UK housing policy in recent years.
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