Catalog Search Results

1) I, Claudius: from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, born 10 B.C., murdered and deified A.D. 54
The emperor Claudius tells of his life during the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius, and Caligula and the events that led to his rise to power in a classic novel reconstructing ancient Rome.
In this sequel to I, Claudius, the story of the Roman Emperor-on which the award-winning BBC TV series was based-continues . . . In I, Claudius, Robert Graves began the story of the limping, stammering young man who is suddenly thrust onto the throne after the death of Caligula. In Claudius the God, Graves continues the story, detailing Claudius's thirteen-year reign and his ultimate downfall. Painting the vivid, tumultuous, and decadent society...
In the classical tale "The Satyricon", Petronius Arbiter makes a strong, yet humorous, statement about the social life of ancient Rome. Rather than telling the story of Encolpius and his companions heroically, which was the typical approach of other writings of classical antiquity, Petronius chose to show the true life and vernacular of the Roman lower and middle class through satire and comedy. Narrator Encolpius, a former gladiator, goes on adventures...
4) I, Claudius
Once a rather bookish young man with a limp and a stammer, a man who spent most of his time trying to stay away from the danger and risk of the line of ascension, Claudius seemed an unlikely candidate for Emperor. Yet, on the death of Caligula, Claudius finds himself next in line for the throne, and must stay alive as well as keep control. Drawing on the histories of Plutarch, Suetonius, and Tacitus, noted historian and classicist Robert Graves tells...
The Annals is a gripping account of the Roman emperors Tiberius, Claudius, and Nero and the brutality that marked their reigns. Tacitus deplores their depravity, proof of the corrupting force of absolute power. J.C. Yardley's vivid and accurate translation is complemented by a thorough introduction and notes. - ;'He was atrocious in his brutality, but his lechery was kept hidden ... In the end, he erupted into an orgy of crime and ignominy alike'....
6) Hamlet
Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, discusses the author and the theater of his time, and provides quizzes and other study activities.
7) I, Claudius: from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, born B.C. X, murdered and diefied A.D. LIV
Random House
Pub. Date
8) Messalina: empress, adulteress, libertine ; the story of the most notorious woman of the Roman world
Pegasus Books
Pub. Date
The story of Messalina, third wife of the emperor Claudius and one of the most notorious women to have inhabited the Roman world. The image of the empress Messalina as a ruthless, sexually insatiable schemer, derived from the work of Roman historians such as Tacitus and Suetonius, has taken deep root in the Western imagination. The stories they told about her included nightly visits to a brothel and a twenty-four-hour sex competition with a prostitute....
Random House
Pub. Date
In I, Claudius, Robert Graves began the story of the limping, stammering young man who is suddenly thrust onto the throne after the death of Caligula. In Claudius the God, Graves continues the story, detailing Claudius’s thirteen-year reign and his ultimate downfall. Painting the vivid, tumultuous, and decadent society of ancient Rome with spectacular detail, Graves provides a tale that is instructive, compelling, and difficult to put down for both...
12) I, Claudius
Image Entertainment
Pub. Date
Traces the lives of several early Roman emperors, showing ruthless ambition, shocking debauchery and murderous intrigue. Bearing witness to the saga is Claudius, whose stutter and limp have marked him a fool, yet whom prophecies have foretold will one day rule Rome.
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