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Fairy tales are supposed to be magical, surprising, and exhilarating, an enchanting counterpoint to everyday life that nonetheless helps us understand and deal with the anxieties of that life. Today, however, fairy tales are far from marvelous-in the hands of Hollywood, they have been stripped of their power, offering little but formulaic narratives and tame surprises.
If we want to rediscover the power of fairy tales-as Armando Maggi thinks...
Running Press Kids, Hachette Book Group
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"This stunning collection brings together a diverse selection of enchanted/magical tales from all over the world, including from Siberia, West Africa, North America, Peru, India, Japan, the UK, and Australia. Get lost in tales of imaginary worlds, enchanted animals, fantastical creatures, wizards, and more. A perfect gift and keepsake to open up a world of magic to readers of all ages."--
Everybody is after the girl in the bog. One morning in a field in Connemara, a farmer unearths the body of a young woman, two thousand years old, preserved under layers of peat. Later that evening, she awakens in unfamiliar modern Ireland, ripping a hole through space and time and setting awhirl old animosities and long-held grudges. Shadowy figures follow her from the pagan past, and each emerges with a claim on the girl from the bog. With help from...
Norendy tales volume 2
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At the Hotel Balzaar, Marta's mother rises before the sun, puts on her uniform, and instructs Marta to roam as she will but quietly, invisibly like a little mouse. While her mother cleans rooms, Marta slips down the back staircase to the grand lobby to chat with the bellman, study the painting of an angel's wing over the fireplace, and watch a cat chase a mouse around the face of the grandfather clock, all the while dreaming of the return of her soldier...
Three little superpigs volume 5
When the Big Bad Wolf bakes a villainous Gingerbread Man to steal Fairyland's bake-off prize, the key to the city, in his cunning attempt to escape prison, the three superpigs step up and try to stop him.
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