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A collection of essays from the acclaimed author of Mrs. Dalloway on such subjects as Jane Austen, Geoffrey Chaucer, and her own literary philosophy.
A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out.
Not written for scholars or critics, these essays are a collection of Virginia Woolf's everyday thoughts about literature and the world-and the art of reading...
3) Othello
Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, with marginal notes and explanations and full descriptions of each character.
An excellent introduction to the history of English literature, this volume is organized by century-beginning with the Anglo-Saxon period and ending with the Victorian poets Tennyson and Browning-examining the important literary movements of each period. Simonds also gives a comprehensive survey of the forces and influences which initiated and modified literary movements.
Published in 1889, and revised in 1890, this essay was a clarion call by Pater for art criticism based on subjective emotional, rather than moralistic, criteria. It was met with controversy, with some critics going so far as to accuse Pater of immorality and outright hedonism.
7) King Lear
Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, with marginal notes and explanations and full descriptions of each character.
8) Macbeth
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Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, with marginal notes and explanations and full descriptions of each character.
John Mullan is professor of English at University College London and the author of How Novels Work. A broadcaster and journalist as well as an academic, he has been described as having "a scholar's knowledge worn with a journalist's lightness of touch." He writes a weekly column on contemporary fiction for the Guardian newspaper.
Some of the greatest works in English literature were first published without their authors' names. Why did so many authors...
Renowned literary critic and prose stylist Lytton Strachey republished some of his numerous literary essays in this volume. Here are fifteen of them examining the works of French and English authors, including Racine, Sir Thomas Browne, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Blake, among others.
"In the mid-nineteenth century, the study of English literature began to be divided into courses that surveyed discrete ""periods."" Since that time, scholars' definitions of literature and their rationales for teaching it have changed radically. But the periodized structure of the curriculum has remained oddly unshaken, as if the exercise of contrasting one literary period with another has an importance that transcends the content of any individual...
13) Julius Caesar
Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, with marginal notes and explanations and full descriptions of each character.
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A comedy written by William Shakespeare in 1595/96. The play consists of multiple subplots that revolve around the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. One subplot revolves around a conflict between four Athenian lovers, one about a group of six amateur actors who have to act out their interpretation of the play 'Pyramus and Thisbe' at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. These subplots take place in a forest, inhabited by fairies who control the characters...
15) The tempest
Picture book adaptation of Shakespeare's play of magic and enchantment in which Ferdinand and Miranda, the children of deadly enemies, meet and fall in love, melting the hardened hearts of their fathers.
This magisterial survey of the Prophet Muhammad over three hundred and fifty years is both a cross cultural history and a discussion of the intellectual changes in the representation of the Prophet's life based on the close examination of original published and unpublished manuscripts.
17) Hamlet
Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, discusses the author and the theater of his time, and provides quizzes and other study activities.
In Cultural Capital, John Guillory challenges the most fundamental premises of the canon debate by resituating the problem of canon formation in an entirely new theoretical framework. The result is a book that promises to recast not only the debate about the literary curriculum but also the controversy over "multiculturalism" and the current "crisis of the humanities."
Guillory argues that canon formation must be understood less as a question of...
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