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Eugene H. Kaplan is Axinn Distinguished Professor of Conservation and Ecology at Hofstra University. A recipient of the Herman Melville award for writing on marine subjects, he is the author of nine books, including Problem Solving in Biology and two Peterson Field Guides, one on coral reefs of the Caribbean and the other on seashores of the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean.
Learning marine biology from a textbook is one thing. But take...
National Geographic pairs gripping and gruesome stories of shark attacks with cutting edge research to illuminate a fascinating underwater world that few truly understand. Sharks are the world's most fascinating predators--capable of detecting a single drop of blood in 25 million drops of ocean and sensing electricity emitted by their prey. This ebook short takes readers deep into the realm of the very latest shark science, including new insights
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"While on assignment in Greece, journalist James Nestor witnessed something that confounded him: a man diving 300 feet below the ocean's surface on a single breath of air and returning four minutes later, unharmed and smiling. This man was a freediver, and his amphibious abilities inspired Nestor to seek out the secrets of this little-known discipline. In Deep, Nestor embeds with a gang of extreme athletes and renegade researchers who are transforming...
4) Ocean
Text and illustrations present such ocean creatures as the manta ray, dolphin, and octopus, explaining their physical structures and how they work.
5) My Mercury
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This is the story of Yves Chesselet, a 28-year-old conservationist and wild spirit, who leaves behind the pleasures and comforts of modern life to live on a remote island with only birds for company. Mercury Island, off the coast of Namibia, becomes the centre of Yves’ world as he makes a cruel pact with nature to wrest 15,000 seals off the island and return it to the critically endangered seabirds of the South Atlantic. The moral dilemma that ensues...
"The edge of the sea is a strange and beautiful place." A book to be read for pleasure as well as a practical identification guide, The Edge of the Sea introduces a world of teeming life where the sea meets the land. A new generation of readers is discovering why Rachel Carson's books have become cornerstones of the environmental and conservation movements. New introduction by Sue Hubbell
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Sy Montgomery explores the emotional and physical world of the octopus' complex, intelligent, and spirited creature: and the connections it makes with humans. Sy Montgomery's 2011 Orion magazine piece, "Deep Intellect"; about her friendship with a sensitive, sweet-natured octopus named Athena and the grief she felt at her death, went viral, indicating the widespread fascination with these mysterious, almost alien-like creatures. Since then Sy has...
Two-thirds of this planet is covered by water inhabited by an incredible variety of living organisms, ranging in size from microbe to whale, and in abundance from scarce to uncountable. Whales and dolphins must surface to breathe, and some fishes occupy surface waters and can easily be seen from boats or shore, but most of the marine bio-profusion is hidden from human eyes, often under thousands of feet and millions of tons of water, which is usually...
The Extreme Life of the Sea exposes the eternal darkness of the deepest undersea trenches to show how marine life thrives against the odds, describing how flying fish strain to escape their predators, how predatory deep-sea fish use red searchlights only they can see to find and attack food, and how, at the end of her life, a mother octopus dedicates herself to raising her batch of young. This wide-ranging and highly accessible book also shows how...
11) Oceans
This book presents a description of what oceans are, explaining what kind of plants, fish, and other animals live there, and why habitats are so important. Glossary of key words Index Table of contents Emerging readers will enjoy these beautiful books that take a look at different habitats. Each title will discuss plants and animals that can be found in the habitat, and science, technology, art, and math concepts that relate. Launch is an imprint...
A Silent Spring for our era, this eloquent, urgent, fascinating book reveals how just 50 years of swift and dangerous oceanic change threatens the very existence of life on Earth. Legendary marine scientist Sylvia Earle portrays a planet teetering on the brink of irreversible environmental crisis.
In recent decades we've learned more about the ocean than in all previous human history combined. But, even as our knowledge has exploded, so too has our...
16) Dolphins
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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A ground-breaking, investigative environmental film that explores the impact humans are having on wild dolphins through popular hand feeding tourism programs in Australia at Monkey Mia and Bunbury in Western Australia, and Moreton Bay and Tin Can Bay in Queensland.
17) Whales' Journey
From slaughter to sanctuary, The Whales' Journey describes the experiences of the humpback whales as they travel between the cold Antarctic and the warm tropical seas off northern Australia in what is one of the longest migrations in the animal world. It is also the story of human impact on humpback whale populations, which were decimated almost to extinction during the first sixty years of the twentieth century. Humpback whales are now protected...
This classic introduction to zoology isolates a single creature, the crayfish, in order to instruct the reader in the general principles of morphology, physiology, and the behavior of the animal. Huxley hoped that this monograph would show how his description of one animal could provide the "foundation for the whole of biological science."
Pollution of the aquatic environment is a real threat across the globe. It is becoming a topic of intense study for researchers. It has been updated and almost completely revised. The Mediterranean Sea has been recognized as a target hotspot of the world as the pollutant concentration in this region is greater than the levels in other oceans. The book summarizes research on marine pollutants in the Mediterranean Sea. It presents 5 concise reviews...
A noted physicist and popular science writer heads for the beach to answer common and uncommon questions about the ocean. James S. Trefil, author of Dover Publications' The Moment of Creation: Big Bang Physics from Before the First Millisecond to the Present Universe, explains why the sea is salty, how bubbles form on the water's surface, where waves come from, and other curiosities of the marine world. Dr. Trefil draws upon his unique gift for clarifying...
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