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Continuación de su primera selección de escritos, el material reunido en este libro corresponde a las convicciones del rector de la Universidad Católica de Chile, Ignacio Sánchez Díaz, expuestas en columnas y cartas publicadas en periódicos y revistas, así como en documentos y correos electrónicos internos de su segundo período (2015-2020) al mando de esta casa de estudios.
Este es su testimonio como actor relevante de la poliédrica realidad...
It is essential that students learn to examine, review, and evaluate knowledge and ideas through a process of scientific investigation and argumentation. Using these instructional methods and lesson scenarios, teachers of all disciplines will gain the tools needed to offer students a richer, lasting understanding of science, its concepts, and its place in their lives and the global community.
Improving school culture takes dedication, commitment, and purposeful action to handle the emotions, conflicts, behaviors, and challenges that arise. Arguably, building a thriving school culture is not something that leaders do; it takes concerted effort by everyone in the school community. In Culture Starts with You, Bobby Moore offers practical advice, insightful strategies, and creative tools to guide leaders in developing and maintaining a collaborative...
In the span of two short years, one man's dream has gone from idea to acclaim on the national stage. Jahmal Cole got his start by recruiting disconnected youth from barbershops on the south side of Chicago, a mission that has become a nationally recognized nonprofit organization called My Block, My Hood, My City. Named as one of Huffington Post's 15 Inspiring Chicagoans, Cole is passionate about providing opportunities for disadvantaged teenagers....
When considering all the anti-police individuals and organizations in existence, it is remarkable how so many of them intertwine, collude, and collaborate in their mission to eradicate traditional policing in America. It is also notable that these people and groups appear organized and that the verbal attacks against the police seemed coordinated, often proliferating the same words and phrases in a manner resembling propaganda.
In fact, the anti-police...
Jeffrey R. Henig is Professor of Political Science and Education at Teachers College and Professor of Political Science at Columbia University. His books include The Color of School Reform (Princeton), named by the American Political Science Association in 2000 as the best book published in urban politics, and Rethinking School Choice (Princeton). Wilbur C. Rich is Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College. His books include Black Mayors...
C'est quoi, Les dix commandements de Bruno Landry ?
Soyez rassuré, ce n'est pas un livre biblique !
S'inspirant de la conférence du même nom, l'auteur nous parle d'intégration dans un groupe, de notre façon d'aborder les réseaux sociaux et de l'influence que peut avoir le sens de l'humour sur notre vie de tous les jours.
Tout ça est agrémenté de trucs et d'astuces qu'on peut appliquer à plusieurs facettes de notre quotidien, dans notre...
"For God, for country, and for Yale... in that order," William F. Buckley Jr. wrote as the dedication of his monumental work-a compendium of knowledge that still resonates within the halls of the Ivy League university that tried to cover up its political and religious bias.
In 1951, a twenty-five-year-old Yale graduate published his first book, which exposed the "extraordinarily irresponsible educational attitude" that prevailed at his alma mater....
Con un estilo creativo y con una mirada profunda, el autor de esta obra intenta volver sobre sus pasos tratando de detallar de manera precisa la vida institucional de la Escuela provincial de Educación Secundaria N.° 42 y que el lector, a través de estas líneas, pueda vivenciar o rememorar su transcurrir dentro de una institución educativa.
De la misma manera, el autor procura dejar un legado histórico de su crecimiento personal y profesional...
Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic university in America, was founded in 1789 by Archbishop John Carroll, SJ, as an academy for boys that was open to "Students of Every Religious Profession" and "every Class of Citizens." Carroll established the school on a hilltop overlooking the Potomac River, "delightfully situated" as Charles Dickens would observe several decades later. Georgetown welcomed its first student, William Gaston, in 1791 and...
This book is prepared exclusively for Setting Up of Business Entitles and Closure ( ICSI Materials ), the Executive Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the questions (topic-wise) & detailed answers strictly as per the old syllabus of ICSI.The noteworthy features of this book includes;- Fully-Solved Questions of Past Exams; Topic-wise, including:- June 2023 Exam (Suggested Answers)- Dec. 2023 Exam (Suggested Answers)- [Most...
En este libro se presenta una investigación sobre la modernización de la universidad colombiana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, asumida como el andamiaje estratégico mediante el cual gobernantes, organizadores y diseñadores de políticas, confluyen en un proyecto modernizador, entendido como una manera de pensar en clave de gobierno de la población y de los procesos productivos del país.
Aquí se consolida con la adopción sistemática de...
The Montana Department of Corrections recognized research-based studies showing a large population of incarcerated people have underlining trauma related to addiction and criminal behavior. In the effort to address the overcrowding penal system and reduce recidivism, the department transitioned the Riverside Youth Correctional facility in Boulder Montana to house an adult female population. The newly named, Riverside Recovery and Reentry Program was...
How is your school data performing for you? Examine the ways your school can better use student achievement data, nonacademic student data, staff data, and parent/community data to identify areas for improvement. This book will help administrators and leaders with school-improvement planning and implementation, and teachers will find that good data can be used to plan instruction, and monitor and motivate students.
¿Qué está cambiando en el sistema educativo? ¿En qué coinciden las escuelas más innovadoras de todo el mundo? ¿Cómo afectará el uso continuo de la tecnología en el aprendizaje? ¿De qué manera se debería abordar la desigualdad educativa y el fracaso escolar?
Este libro es la mejor guía posible para docentes, educadores y familias que quieren comprender la educación que viene, explorando los nuevos propósitos del siglo XXI y las metodologías...
Al trabajar en comunidades rurales muy aisladas, incluida una reserva mapuche, el autor pudo comprender que existían otras formas de ver la vida, otras cosmovisiones, que le permitieron salir de sí y descubrir mundos muy distintos al que concebía.
En función de esto, se puede observar una constante actitud crítica hacia el sistema educativo del que formó parte, fundamentada en lo que permite que un proceso educativo sea eficaz, partiendo del...
A pesar de las diversas aproximaciones al trabajo social crítico —desde el feminismo, poscolonialismo y perspectivas anti opresivas— una nueva agenda política debe estar impulsada por un conjunto de principios comunes. Así, el trabajo social crítico refleja una "zona de compromiso político" para estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales en primera línea, permitiéndoles tomar posiciones de resistencia frente al orden hegemónico. Esto...
"Winner of the 2000 Best Book Award, Urban Politics Section of the American Political Science Association"
Jeffrey R. Henig is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Washington Area Studies at George Washington University. His books include Rethinking School Choice (Princeton). Richard C. Hula is Professor of Political Science and Urban Affairs at Michigan State University and is the author of Market-Based Public Policy and...
Prisons and Jails are not an easy place to be in. For most first-timers, they do not know what to expect or how to deal with situations as they arise. Even for those already incarcerated a lot of things are and will be new to them because prisons and jails are a world of its own which brings out its own strange events. This book will take an individual step by step, from the day a handcuff is placed on an individual, or an arrest warrant is issued...
Every athlete will testify that not finishing a race is one of the worst feelings they can have. For once started, the aim indeed is to finish, preferably in first place, but finish nonetheless. Like those running a race, when going through a wilderness experience, the determination to endure is what we need most. This book will aid the reader to gain knowledge for those hard times. Providing detailed account of some such as Moses, the Children of...
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