Catalog Search Results

1) Nimitz class
It's as big as the Empire State Building, a massive floating fortress at the throbbing heart of a U.S. Navy Carrier Battle Group. Its supersonic aircraft can level entire cities at a stroke. Its surveillance gear can track every target within thousands of square miles--in the air, on the surface, and under the sea. Its crew of six thousand works night and day to keep this awesome military machine at peak performance. It's a Nimitz-Class nuclear carrier,...
2) Kilo class
It's one of the stealthiest, most dangerous underwater warships ever built-and it's about to set off World War III. Silent at less than five knots and capable of a massive nuclear warhead punch, it's the 240-foot Russian Kilo Class submarine. Strapped for hard cash, the Russians have produced ten new Kilos for Beijing. The Chinese have already received three of the subs and now the last seven are ready to be delivered-a code-red situation the Pentagon...
Armed with stolen U. S. military technology, the Chinese are producing a frightening new breed of weaponry, led by the ICBM submarine Xia III--a vessel that just might be able to launch a nuclear warhead across the Pacific Ocean and take out an American West Coast city. National Security Adviser Admiral Arnold Morgan can't let that happen, and he dispatches the most stealthy hunter-killer submarine in the U. S. fleet, the 9, 000-ton ultrasecret Seawolf,...
An oil tanker mysteriously explodes in the Persian Gulf. Then a second... and a third. To the President's National Security Adviser Admiral Arnold Morgan it is more than a tragic coincidence-it is a brazen act of aggression that must not stand. In partnership with Iran, the Chinese navy has mined the Strait of Hormuz, intending to hold the world's oil supply hostage. Now eighty percent of America's active sea power is being mobilized-including U....
The enemy from within . . . Iranian-born British Commando Major Ray Kerman was a rising star in the SAS -- until he abruptly switched loyalties while on a mission in the Middle East. Fanatically determined to employ his brilliant talents and training in the destruction of those he once swore to protect, he is now General Ravi Rashood, leader of the world's most vicious terrorist organization -- and he has found his ultimate weapon: Barracuda 945....
Thriller master and New York Times bestselling author Patrick Robinson presents a startling if all-too-real scenario that pits the United States against France and Saudi Arabia
Always on the cutting edge of global political and military events, Robinson offers his most epic stunner yet. A rogue Saudi Arabian prince, disgusted by the royal family's profligate ways, plans a coup d'etat. He surreptitiously enlists the help of the French, who appoint...
9) Ghost force
The year is 2011. An oil-hungry world is starving...... and Argentina, with Russia's help, is determined to brutally wrest the petroleum-rich Falkland Islands from British hands. Enraged over this brazen act of international piracy, Great Britain dispatches a battle fleet to the islands for the second time in thirty years-unaware that Viper K-157, a lethal Russian Akula-class submarine, lies in wait, stuffed to the gunwales with ship-killingtorpedoes....
A bomb explodes in Boston's Logan Airport, and Admiral Arnold Morgan, the most trusted adviser to President Bedford, must move quickly to break the terrorist cell responsible for the bloodshed. The Hamas high command hatches a vicious plan to assassinate him once he exits the United States. Leading this attack is chief Hamas assassin General Ravi Rashood. Meanwhile, President Bedford, in a desperate attempt to protect the admiral at all costs, summons...
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