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Its 1852 and cousins Patrick and Beth sail to Fiji on the HMS Calliope under the command of Captain James E. Home. They arrive at the islands to find that the Christian Fijians are at war with the non-Christian Fijians. Missionary James Calvert is trying to make peace and suggests that the captain allow peace negotiations on board the British vessel. Patrick and Beth learn about sacrificial living when they observe Calverts determination to live on...
Kidnapped by Celtic Druids in 433, Patrick and Beth are headed to certain death when followers of a former Irish Slave (Saint Patrick called Patritius in this book) save them. The cousins find themselves in the midst of a power struggle between Irelands King Logaire, Patritius, and the leader of the Druids, Lochru.
Kidsboro is a small town in the woods behind Whit's End in Odyssey. It's a nice little place. It has a church, a store, a police station, a bakery, a weekly newspaper . . . and a total of zero citizens over the age of 14. It's a town run by kids. Ryan Cummings, the mayor, helps enforce the laws, create new job opportunities, and in general, keep the peace in a town where he seems to have lots of friends and only a few enemies. The Kidsboro series...
Fans of the long-running audio series Adventures in Odyssey can hardly remember a time when there wasn't a Connie or a Eugene-or an Imagination Station. But there was. Now step back in time as these exciting novels whisk you away to the days before the popular radio show. Standing up for what you believe isn't easy, as the kids in Odyssey discover in these four engaging stories. In Point of No Return, Jimmy Barclay finds that doing the right thing...
Odyssey is a town filled with wonder, surprises, and even a hint of danger-as Mark Prescott, Jack Davis, and their friends learn in these four stories: Mark learns a new perspective about the people around him in Lights out at Camp What-a-Nut. The King's Quest is an Imagination Station adventure where Mark experiences how God is at work in our world. Jack Davis gets tangled up in a dangerous web of intrigue in Danger Lies Ahead.Patti's future becomes...
Mark Prescott's not your typical 10-year-old kid. He has a best friend who's a girl, a mind that has to have answers, and a need to have things the way they used to be. Before it's all over, he learns priceless lessons about friendship, living with change, and the gift of forgiveness.
"When Patrick takes a trip alone in the Imagination Station for science project research, things get a little explosive. First, his cousin Beth gets angry that she was left behind. Second, Eugene Meltsner sees red when he realizes that Patrick went to Pompeii in 79 A.D. a day before Mount Vesuvius erupts! It doesn't help that the Imagination Station is on the blink and Whit has gone missing. As Beth and Eugene frantically try to find a way fix the...
There's something mysterious going on in everyone's favorite town . . . Odyssey, of course! No mystery is too big or too small for Emily Jones and Matthew Parker. Whether it is helping the new doctor unlock her office safe or helping Mr. Whittaker find paint cans that have mysteriously disappeared, the Jones and Parker Detective Agency is on the case. Who knows what's in store for these young detectives?This book compiles 16 of the best stories originally...
"The Imagination Station has been acting wonky for several adventures now, handing out the wrong gifts and traveling unexpected paths. Patrick and Beth must call on their courage, strength and resilience in order to help others and survive real dangers that threaten as they travel to Babylon and encounter the prophet Daniel and some very hungry lions"--
16 Exciting Detective Stories for Readers to Solve
A good detective keeps her hands clean. That means staying out of trouble . . . and using lots of soap.
There's something mysterious going on in Odyssey . . . again. But the Jones and Parker Detective Agency is on the case. No mystery is too big (or too small) for Emily Jones and Matthew Parker. And this new adventure promises to be a real doozy. It all starts with a mysterious phone caller...
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