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The adventures and pranks of a mischievous boy growing up in a Mississippi River town on the early nineteenth century. Here is one of the great American novels, illustrated by one of this country's most distinguished artists. Readers will enjoy the antics of that irrepressible boy-hero, Tom, who lies to his Aunt Polly and still is forgiven, wins the heart of Becky Thatcher by getting whipped at school, gets out of whitewashing a fence by tricking...
Often referred to as “the great American novel,” The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn defined American literature with its richness of characters, colorful vernacular, and vibrant depictions of the American Midwest. Told in the first-person from the viewpoint of the classic protagonist, the satirical narrative follows young “Huck” Finn as he searches for escape and adventure along the Mississippi River. The story begins where Twain’s previous...
"Tom Sawyer Abroad" is Mark Twain's 1894 novel featuring Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. A sequel to Twain's famous "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", this parody of a classic adventure story follows Tom, Jim and Huck as they journey by hot air balloon to Africa, where they encounter all manner of excitement and danger. A wonderful example of Twain's unforgettable work not to be missed by fans of the timeless Tom Sawyer series. Samuel Langhorne Clemens...
Tom Sawyer Detective is a novel by Mark Twain. It is a sequel to Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), and a prequel to Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894). Tom Sawyer attempts to solve a mysterious murder in this burlesque of the immensely popular detective novels of the time. Like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story is told using the first-person narrative voice of Huck Finn. In 1909, Danish schoolmaster Valdemar Thoresen claimed,...
Mark Twain left his indelible imprint on American fiction with his humorous tales of rogues and rustics who live along the Mississippi River-among them The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, regarded by many literary enthusiasts as the great American novel. But in his satirical appraisals of personal freedom, community responsibility, and class differences, Twain roamed farther afield imaginatively than the nineteenth-century America that he knew best....
Préparez-vous à vivre des aventures palpitantes et inoubliables avec "Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer" de Mark Twain. Ce livre emblématique vous plonge dans l'univers fascinant de Tom Sawyer, un jeune garçon plein d'esprit et d'imagination. Suivez Tom et ses amis dans leurs péripéties dans la petite ville de Saint Petersburg, au bord du Mississippi. Ensemble, ils explorent des grottes mystérieuses, chassent les trésors cachés et se retrouvent...
Cuddle up with a classic! In twelve needle-felted scenes and twelve child-friendly words, each book in this ingenious series captures the essence of a literary masterpiece. Simple words, sturdy pages, and a beloved story make these books the perfect vehicle for early learning with an erudite twist. Budding bookworms will delight in this clever retelling of the classics made just for them!
Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn introduces...
Das Buch liefert eine detailreiche Beschreibung der Menschen und Orte am Ufer des Mississippi und gibt ernüchternde und bissige Einblicke in die fest verwurzelten Verhaltensweisen dieser Zeit, insbesondere den Rassismus und die Sklaverei. Erzähler ist Huck Finn selbst. Mark Twain simuliert die Perspektive und die Sprache eines Jungen, der seiner Zeit und seiner Umwelt verhaftet ist, sie aber auch in Frage stellt.
Lo que se dice de Tom Sawyer podría decirse de cualquier chico en cualquier lugar: curioso, travieso y siempre en busca de diversión. Algunos aseguran que Mark Twain se propuso recrear una parte de su niñez en un poblado a orillas del Misisipi, zona de confluencia de razas y supersticiones, y lo logró con el poder de su imaginación y de su escritura, asegurando para siempre el gusto en los lectores. La historia cuenta cómo Tom y sus amigos Huck...
Following Sterling's spectacularly successful launch of its children's classic novels (240,000 books in print to date),comes a dazzling new series: Classic Starts. The stories are abridged; the quality is complete. Classic Starts treats the world's beloved tales (and children) with the respect they deserve.
"Tom Sawyer liked adventures, which means he was always getting in trouble." Searching for treasure, witnessing a murder, getting caught in...
Travel down the Mississippi River on a raft with Tom Sawyer's cohort, Huckleberry Finn, as he rebels against "sivilization," and his friend, Jim, runs from slavery. This tale of freedom and friendship amidst the racism and corrupt values of the pre-Civil War South is, told through Huck's eyes as he and Jim navigate the perils of fog, frauds, and feuding families. Mark Twain has delighted generations with his unforgettable characters and scalding social...
During a long hot summer, a young boy's taste for excitement lands him in and out of trouble. Bing Crosby narrates the coming-of-age tale that made Mark Twain one of America's best loved novelist with all of Tom's mischief and fun. Tom catches criminals, gets the girl and carries out hijinks, all with his best friend Huckleberry Finn at his side.
Aunque menos conocida que su hermana mayor Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer, esta novela corta es una muestra perfecta del relampagueante talento narrativo de Mark Twain. De ritmo vivaz, peripecia fácil, personajes rápidamemente delineados y trama adornada por el habitual humor socarrón de Twain, Tom Sawyer detective es un policiaco clásico de factura impecable.
Influida sin duda por la obra de Conan Doyle, en...
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